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•~Izuku's P.O.V~•

"I'm heading out!" I called to my friends as I ran up to my dorm room.

I pushed the door opened forcefully as I ran inside. I grabbed a bag, green jacket, snacks and my mask. I shoved the items in the bag before bolting out of there, but not before locking my door. I sprinted down the stairs and left the dorm building. I ran down the street as I took out my phone. I still had 10 minuets to get there. I shoved my phone in my pocket and picked up speed, racing down the grey path. I skidded around corners as the concert came into view. I slowed down a bit as I turned into a side alley just offside the concert stage. I came to a screeching halt as I dropped my hands to my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"You're finally here! Come on! We have 7 minutes left to get ready."

I lifted my head, seeing Tsukiachi lending me a hand. I took it and we entered the backstage area. The other band members were already there and practising. I took a seat and dropped my bag, taking out the mask and jacket. I pulled the jacket on before standing up and grabbing my instrument. I closed my eyes as I let my 'rockstar' persona take over. My eyes shot open as I let my hand drag down across the stings. I turned around to face my band members with a large smile.

"Let's do our best out there!" I cheered, fist-pumping the air.

"Yeah!" They cheered with me, also fist-pumping.

"Nights Howl. You have 5 minutes," Our manager came down. "You have a big crowd tonight."

"Hell yeah! Rock on!" Yosai cheered.

"This is gonna be a good one, guys. Let's not let the crowd down." Misuke said.

The 5 minutes passed in no time. It was now time to perform. We did our little chant before marching on. We placed the masks on our faces as we walked onto the stage, the crowd going wild with cheers as we did. I walked up to the microphone, taking it in my free hand.

"Welcome everyone to 'The Nights Howl' concert!" I said, hearing all our fans cheers louder. "We have one thing to say before we start."

I turned to the others who gave me a nod in reply.


The lights went low as we began to play. (Media)



思い描いてもdarkness falls in time
深い奥がある streets aligned

Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart
Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart

Fate somehow brings me hope inside
Fate somehow gives me the reason

Damned to live this fate alone
Feel so far away from home

Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart
Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart

Fate somehow brings me hope

思い描いてもdarkness falls in time
深い奥がある streets aligned

Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart
Fate somehow brings me hope inside my heart."

We finished playing, breathing heavily as we fought to catch our breath.


We looked up at the crowd, seeing everyone cheering, clapping or whistling. A large smile made its way onto my face as I stared across the crowd. The other band members all walked up to me, exchanging looks with one another. In inhaled a heap of breath as we yelled at the top of our lungs, "THANK YOU FOR COMING!!"

Misuke took the microphone from me and tossed it to Yosai.

"Thank you for all the support you've given us. And thank you to all our loyal fans out there. This wouldn't be possible if it weren't for you guys." He said, causing the fangirls to go crazy.

He tossed the microphone to Tsukiachi who said, "we hope you enjoyed today's performance as much as we enjoyed making it. We wish you all a wonderful night. Peace!"

He turned the mic off before dropping it as we all headed off stage. As soon as we entered, we threw our masks off and collapsed on a couch.

"Man, this is tiering." Yosai commented.

"At least it's fun." I replied.

"And we have heaps of fans." Tsukiachi added.

"You did decide to join us. We're not quitting anytime soon." Misuke said.

We talked for awhile, eating the snacks I brought as we joked around. I checked my watch, seeing it was 7:40.

"I should get going. See ya!" I said as I collected all my things and headed out.

I took out my earphones and plugged them in, listening to some calming music as I walked. I pushed my hands into the jackets pockets as I listened. It was a peaceful night. Not to many cars, a few lights to show the path, birds flying overhead with their songs and people walking back home. In a matter of minutes, I reached U.A. I headed round to the dorms and entered, see everyone crowding around the TV.

"What's up?" I asked as I walked over to them.

"The Nights Howl just performed. They were amazing!" Ochaco replied, trying to contain herself.

"They are pretty good," I agreed before letting out a yawn. "I'm gonna hit the bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Midoriya."

I left them, heading up to my room before changing back to my normal 'shy' persona.

"That was to close. I can't believe I forgot to switch. Oh well."

I took off my clothes and changed into my PJ's for collapsing on my bed as I let sleep take over.

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