Bet to Win His Heart

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We're currently at Kirishima's house. As for those who are there, their's obviously Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari, Shinso, Shouto and Tokoyami. As for what their doing, well...

"Yo, guys! You wanna do a bet?" Kaminari started.

"Sure/depends/maybe/I don't care/whatever." Were the responses.

"I'm gonna take all that as a yes! Well then, here it is. We all have a crush on Midoriya, right?"

At that, the boy's faces all turned bright red. Even Tokoyami's blush was visible. Some turned away while others covered their faces. Bakugou was saying unearthly words into a pillow. Kaminari was also blushing, even though he was the one who said it.

"Alrighty then. The bet is, the first one to steal a kiss from him wins. Got that?" Kaminari said.

"You're on." They all stopped blushing and had their game faces on, as well as small smirks.

"We'll each go on separate dates with him throughout the week. After that, it's up to you to get that kiss," Kami explained. "It starts tomorrow."

"What's the order?" Shouto and Shinso asked in unison.

"Let's decide on that through raffle." Kirishima suggested.

They all put their names in a hat. Tokoyami drew.

Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Shinso.

"Alright. Let's head out. Good luck Bakubro!" Kirishima said.

They all left the house, hiding their smirks that crossed their faces.

'This is gonna be fun~'

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