Bet to Win His Heart

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\-Third Person-/

Katsuki walked up to Izuku's house, trying to calm the blush he wore.

'God dammit, Katsuki! Calm the hell down before you pop a vein! It's just f*cking Deku. Okay, okay. This'll be f*cking easy. Just gotta stay calm.' Katsuki thought, walking up to Izuku's apartment.

He knocked on the door and waited for a response. Nothing. He knocked again, this time louder. He waited there for what felt like forever when the door handle started to twist. It opened, revealing a sight Katsuki never thought he'd see. A half starved Izuku was in front of him, pale skin, flushed red cheeks, baggy clothes. Even his eyes had lost the usual sparkle to them.

"D-Deku?" Katsuki stuttered, eyes wide in shock.

"Hey Kacchan. What're you doing here?" Izuku asked, looking up at Katsuki with a small smile.

Katsuki didn't respond. Instead, he picked Izuku up bridal style and brought him back into the house. Izuku didn't protest. Katsuki placed him down at the kitchen counter as he rummaged through the fridge and draws. Finally, he'd prepared a small meal of rice balls with fish. He passed it to Izuku. He slowly ate the food.

"What the hell did you do to yourself." Katsuki murmured, staring down at Izuku.

"Didn't your mother tell you?" Izuku replied, looking up.

"Tell me what?" Katsuki asked.

With a heavy and sad sigh, Izuku said, "Mom came done with a heavy fever that soon turned into rare illness. She's now in the hospital, and the doctors don't know if she'll make it."

Katsuki was in complete shock. Izuku finished eating and placed the plate on the counter. He stared at the ground. Katsuki cleared his throat, gaining Izuku's attention.

"Well... I'm sure she'll be fine. She's always pulled through other illnesses, so, shy should this one be any different?" Katsuki stated.

A little hope found its way into Izuku's eyes.

"With that being said, why don't you get out of here. You look half dead." Katsuki said as he picked Izuku and and heaved him over his shoulder.

Katsuki walked to Izuku's room and placed Izuku on his bed. Katsuki then rummaged through his wardrobe, grabbing a white shirt and a checkered jacket, as well as some ripped jeans. He walked over to Izuku with the clothes in hand.

"Strip." Katsuki ordered.

Izuku stared up at him before complying. As he removed his shirt, Katsuki got a good look at how thin he'd become. With a sigh, Katsuki took Izuku's clothes and started dressing him, being careful as Izuku was in an emotional state. He'd finished with the top half, but, couldn't bring himself to do the bottom. He turned around while Izuku changed into the ripped jeans. Izuku stood up and hugged Katsuki from behind.

"Deku?! What the hell do you think your doing?!" Katsuki yelled, trying to pry Izuku's arms off.

"You're warm..." Izuku murmured, burying his face in Katsuki's back. "Thank you, Kacchan..."

Katsuki blushed but allowed Izuku the pleasure of hugging him.

"Now that you've changed, we're heading out." Katsuki said.

Izuku let go as Katsuki turned to face him. Izuku only nodded, know he wouldn't be getting out of this. Katsuki grabbed his hand and led him to the front door. They put their shoes on before heading out. Locking the door, Izuku latched himself onto Katsuki's arm as they left the apartment. Katsuki was a blushing mess. However, he didn't take his arm away. Katsuki led them to the movie theatre, buying tickets for the movie 'The Greatest Showmen'. (It's amazing. Go watch it)

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