Mute Tamer

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When Izuku was born, his father left to go overseas because of his job. Inko raised Izuku alone, though, had some help from her friend Mistuki. But, that changed when she moved away. Inko continued to work alone for herself and her son. By age four, Izuku had already learnt most things a grade schooler would know. He was smart for a young kid. He was happy too.

That all changed one fateful day. Izuku had received an unusual quirk called 'Tame'. Pretty self explanatory. But, it also allows him to summon a small white dragon. Only drawback is if the animals Izuku takes get hurt, he'll also feel their pain. Because of this quirk, people wanted him for themselves.
This all happened when he turned five.

He was up in his room, playing with Shirō, his dragon, when he heard a gunshot downstairs. Shirō disappeared as Izuku headed down. He peered round a corner, only to stare in horror the scene in front of him. His mother lay on the floor, clutching her stomach as five guys loomed overhead, guns pointed to her head.

"I'll ask one last time. Where is your son?"

"You can't have him! I won't let you take my baby away from me!"

The person took aim and pulled the trigger.


Izuku silently gasped as he watched blood pool out of his mothers limp body. He covered his mouth as tears streamed down his face. His dragon instinctively came out, speeding over and slicing the people's necks off with his wings. They fell to the floor, heads disconnected from their bodies. Izuku took that chance and ran to the phone, calling 911.

"Hello? What's your emergency?"

"S-some strange m-men barged into my h-house and s-shot my m-m-mom."

"We'll be right there. What's your address?"

After giving them his house address, he waited for them to come. Finally, police and an ambulance showed up. They entered the house, seeing the horror that laid right at the doorway. Izuku came out of the kitchen and ran up to one officer, hugging his leg as his tears fell faster. The officer picked the child up as others searched the house.

That's how this whole mess started. Izuku now lived in an orphanage as a mute child with a dragon. He's been living at the orphanage for 3 years, learning from the caretakers. But finally, someone came to take him away, back to their place. That person was none other than pro hero EraserHead, aka Aizawa.

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