Stuck Between Two

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>-Shouto's P.O.V-<

I found a strange boy in my place after my gang's rivals showed up. I took him to a separate room before leaving him there. I pulled out my gun and shot one of Katsuki's henchmen, killing them instantly.

"Call off this attack now." I ordered, taking my gun to Katsuki's head.

"I didn't come to fight." He growled through clenched teeth.

"Then what did you come for?" I asked, placing a finger on the trigger.

"To talk." Katsuki replied, raising one hand.

I raised one too. Everyone stopped fighting and stepped back.

"They can wait outside." I said, pointing at his little gang.

"Tch. Fine." Katsuki murmured, shooing them off, to which they complied without saying anything.

I took the gun away and led him to a different room, but not before shooting my own gang off. We entered the room and he sat down at a table. I looked round once, trying to find the greenette. My eyes settled on a distant figure, sleeping on a beanbag. A small smile crossed my lips before disappearing as I sat down.

"Now, what did you have to discuss?" I asked, leaning on my hand.

"One thing and one thing only," Katsuki started. "That being the other gang out there. Shinso's, was it?"

"I see. They have started to gain more members. Their growing by the day." I murmured.

"Exactly. He's growing too big, and will soon over throw us if we don't do anything. And as much as I wanna punch your face in right now, I can't as I need you alive if we want to take him down."

"Feelings mutual. But, I agree. We can team up this once. But only till we take his gang down. Once that's done, I'm killing you myself."

"Ha! Try me, b*tch." Katsuki smirked.

"If that's the only thing you wanted to discuss, then leave now, before I change my mind."

"Tch. You need me and you know it." Katsuki laughed as he stood up.

He was about to leave when his eyes trailed down to the sleeping greenette.

"Deku...?" He murmured.

"You know him?" I asked, standing up also.

"Yeah. He annoyed the crap outta me when we were younger," Katsuki walked over to the greenette, crouching down next to him. "He hasn't changed a bit since then."

He traced his hand down the boys cheek. At that, his eyes started to open. He yet out a small yawn as he sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"K-Kacchan?" He murmured, staring at the ash blonde.

"When the f*ck did you get here?" Katsuki asked.

"W-well... I'd heard there was a gang meet-up here and decided to check it out. I ended up running into him." He pointed at me in which I just smiled.

"Icyhot. You didn't do anything, did you?" Katsuki asked, clenching his hand into a fist.

"I did nothing. Ask him yourself." I replied.

He turned to the greenette who in turn shook his head.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked, curious.

"M-Midoriya Izuku."

"I'm Todoroki Shouto." I smiled at him.

Katsuki sighed before clasping his hands on Izuku's cheeks. He touched foreheads with him, whispering something I couldn't quite here. He then kissed Izuku's nose before standing back up. He picked Izuku up and threw him over his shoulder and turned round to head off.

"And just where do you think you're going with him?" I challenged, grabbing his shoulder.

"Back off. He's mine." Katsuki growled.

"You can't just claim what isn't yours." I said, tightening my grip.

"He's not yours either." Katsuki said, turning to face me.

He placed Izuku down before grabbing my collar.

"You better back the f*ck off before I beat your skull in." Katsuki growled just loud enough for me to hear.

"Why would I do that? I can't just let you waltz out of here with an angel." I smirked, only making him angrier.

"You're just waiting to be beaten to a pulk, ain't ya." Katsuki said, slowly clenching his fist.

"You gonna do that in front of him?" I questioned, gesturing to Izuku who was watching the scene play out in horror.

Katsuki let out a 'tch' before letting me go. I walked over to Izuku, pulling him close to me. His face flushed red which added to his already adorable nature. I planted a kiss on his forehead, causing him to explode red.

"You'll be staying with me~" I whispered in his ear.

Katsuki snapped. He grabbed me and threw me to the wall before hugging Izuku in a protective manner.

"You stay away from him, Icyhot." He growled.

He picked Izuku up bridal style and started to walk away.

"You're going no where." I said, turning Katsuki round and punching him in the face, making him drop Izuku in the process.

I caught him and placed him back on the beanbag. Katsuki got back up and kicked me in the rib, sending me into a wall. I jumped off the wall, arm outstretched, and hooked it around him neck as I brought him into the ground. He punched me off, making me roll to the side. He got on top of me and started punching my face. Before he could go any further, a hand grabbed his arm.

"Kacchan! Why are you doing this?" Izuku asked, tears in his eyes.

Katsuki got off me and hugged Izuku tight, saying, "I just don't want him hurting you."

"I'm fine, Kacchan. Could you please let me treat him?" Izuku said.

Katsuki glared at me once again before sighing with a small nod. He let go of Izuku who then proceeded to pick me up. He was quite strong for such a frail boy. He placed me on the beanbag.

"Where's the first aid kit?" He asked.

I pointed to another room, bathroom to be exact. He entered and came back with the kit. He kneeling in front of me and started to treat my wounds, starting with my face.

"This might sting a little." He said, pouring some alcohol on a cloth.

He held my head still as he cleaned the wounds. I couldn't help but blush at him touch.

'He's being delicate, like I could break at any moment.' I thought as he bandaged the wounds.

"There! Good as new." He smiled, closing the kit.

"We're leaving now. Inko will be worried." Katsuki said, hoisting Izuku over his shoulder.

"Bye Todo-kun!" Izuku said as he and Katsuki left.

I was let sitting there, slight blush on my cheeks.

'He will be mine, no matter what.'

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