Naruto hopped up from his spot, meandering over to a safe distance. He rolled his shoulders, stretching out his arms and loosening his muscles. After a couple minutes of stretching, he let out a soft breath and began to run through handseals.

He sucked in a big gulp of air before spitting out a small condense bullet of air that completely exploded a row of five trees. Sakura gave a small yelp at that—after all, ninjutsu was something very rarely allowed in class—but Hinata only watched with polite interest, her hands folded neatly in front of her.

Naruto sucked in another deep breath before he let out a stream of sharp wind and whipped his head around, swinging that wind-whip through the trees and slicing through them.

He pulled his tanto and covered it in his chakra before he swung it down hard. Where he swung in the air, a slash of fūton chakra launched out in a arc from his attack, destroying yet another set of trees.

That was the end for his fūton repertoire, but Naruto went ahead and summoned a shadow clone that transformed into a small shuriken. Naruto threw that shuriken, and the shadow-clone-disguised-as-a-shuriken multiplied by a hundred and a barrage of shuriken fell upon the trees.

Naruto hesitated in showing much more, looking back towards me for approval.

"One more," I encouraged him.

With great reluctance, Naruto summoned forth his Rasengan and launched himself towards a tree.

The tree was completely destroyed upon impact.

"That's pretty much it. Shadow clone has a lot of versatility, so I can use all those attacks with the clones," Naruto said, shrugging with one shoulder. "Is that all, Nee—Sensei?"

"I believe so," I said. "Hina-chan?"

Hinata bowed towards me. "I'm sorry, Sensei. I do not know any ninjutsu, only my clan technique and poisons."

"Mm. I suppose that would be hard to show. How many poisons do you keep on you?"

"Only three," Hinata admitted. "I do use senbon, and I am learning chakra strings with Okaa-sama, but I am not yet proficient enough to utilize them."

"That's fine," I reassured her. "I'll leave that aspect up to Hisana-san, since she's much better at that than I. That being said, I do think you should have more long range in your arsenal than your poison-coated senbons, and chakra strings."

Hinata nodded, accepting this.

"Sakura-chan?" I inquired.

Sakura chewed on her bottom lip. "I, um, I don't know any ninjutsu outside the basic three. I can only use a couple genjutsu techniques."

"I see," was all I said. "If that's the case, then let's do a very simple physical test. All of you, give me five laps around the training grounds."

Sakura blanched, but Naruto already took off, Hinata right at his heels. I cleaned up the broken trees Naruto destroyed, regrowing those that were beyond repair.

Naruto and Hinata were both physically fit students. From what I gathered, Hinata received specialized training from her mother at a young age, and flourished under Hisana's specialized gentle fist which focused more on flexibility and fluidity, over the standard rigid gentle fist.

Naruto, I had a personal hand in training since he was small. I kept him on a proper diet (not too strict because children deserved their sweets), and a good exercise routine. Not hard enough to damage his muscles, but certainly enough to test his Uzumaki endurance.

I would place their physicality at high Genin.

Sakura, on the other hand...

Oh, boy, I was going to need to work with her a lot.

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