Chapter Seven p.1 - The Detention Pen

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I WAS BACK on the blog again. At least it was sweet while it lasted.

Everyone learned how I'd purge three hours of detention on a Friday. I'd gotten pitied, cringed looks throughout classes. It had been difficult to announce Dad the news, let alone three hours of detention. I'd explained how it happened rather dryly, stuck between my frustrations with school and my doubts about him.

"I understand that it was unfair, but it's not your job to play superhero for your boyfriend," he told me over the phone. "Look at the mess it got you into."

"Dad! He's humiliating people left and right, I couldn't just sit back and let him do it."

"Next time, find another way to do something about it. Your stunt won't change his manners, and it didn't benefit you at all."

He sounded so flustered and unlike himself. I stared in disbelief at my screen, unable to compute that he discarded my attempt to stand up to a bully. Muttering a whatever under my breath, I turned around and walked in the hall.

"Kiddo, what are you doing right now?" he called in a displeased tone.

"Classes are over," I said in the empty hallway. "I'll talk to you later."

My thumb pressed on the hang up button, a rash sigh escaping my mouth. I didn't get why he didn't understand what I told him. Sure, I hadn't expected him to be happy about it, but... he normally supported my decisions. 

It had been several minutes since the last bell rang. I stopped at the landing to gather my courage, thinking that I was about to spend three excruciating hours in the company of the worst teacher I've ever met. As I enviously stared out the window to see kids running out of school off to enjoy their Friday evening, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked my screen, my lips pulling into a frown. Masked number again.

It's not safe. Just go home.

Was it talking about the detention? Yeah, and worsen my situation? I think not.


No answer, of course. I shoved the phone back and rolled up in the Chemistry classroom. There was another person waiting at the front. I blinked several times. You have got to be kidding me.

The last time I'd seen Luc was when he tried to diagnose me with mutant. I'd gone silent for minutes at a time, then blew my fuse and slammed his door. I'd angrily trampled in the woods to try and calm down, refusing to come home but unable to return to the cabin. After dark, I huddled like a petulant child in my room until the hunger was too painful to ignore.

He glowered at me as I came in. I scowled back, choosing to sit at the far end of the same table, putting a seat between us. Spencer hadn't arrived yet.

"Just my luck running into you," I mumbled.

Luc's eyes narrowed. "The hell did you do?"

"Spoke out of turn, I guess."

He seemed to want to laugh.

"What the hell did you do?" I switched.

"I was being too much of a dick and Greg decided to crap on my head." He said it like it was a low blow.

Well, this ought to be fun. Not.

"I heard you caused a fright to the class yesterday," he said in a near whisper, even though there was no one around. His face was impenetrable.

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now