"Ma is taking some rest.. I made sure to slip a single drop of sleeping potion in her morning tea. I had no plans of coming home to a pink or neon colour haired mother-in-law.." Vaidehi explained tiredly rolling her eyes.

                                      "Yeah.. What's up with that?" Naina asked confusingly...her eyebrows furrowed together and her face in complete distaste. Its been a common thing now-a-days to see the old woman in different colour hair.

                                       "Guess, she doesn't want to accept her coming of age... also I overheard her conversation with Taani the other night... She want's to be loved by all her great grand kids as well..." Vaidehi's words left hung in the air loosely as the two women stared at each other before they burst out laughing.

                                         But the laughter was cut short by the blasting of the flower vase on the tea side table..

                                         "Are the Shekhawats really happy? with us around here?" the voice mocked as 6 hooded figures apparated into the living ... Six? dear lord, Vaidehi was out of practice and what the hell was Arjun thinking leaving home undefended? 

                   "NAINA, RUN!!" She commanded and saw the young woman follow the lead with heavy steps she was about to reach her room when she saw Granny's room.. a sleeping and unarmed Granny was of no use.. She locked the door from outside before moving towards her own room.

                    But before she could open the door for her own safety a hand grasped her handful of hair dragging her towards the living room where a fatigued Vaidehi stood on her grounds, throwing jinxes around to the destructive spells but her defence shield always up. the grip of the hunter on her hair became more and more painful with passing second "Ahh" Naina whimpered as he threw her on the floor with a unnecessary force. That's all it took for Vaidehi to loose all her focus and the shield to crumble down.

            "Explosif!"  the hunter yelled but the aim narrowly missing the mother in distraught. Vaidehi quickly casted a spell sending two spirit animals to fetch her kids for help.. before she was tied in the invisible ropes of restraint.

              "She sent the spirit animal we have to work fast!" another Hunter yelled and chained Vaidehi in invisible chains. 

              While the only Hunter who stood out of the chaos; most likely the leader of the mission walked over to the helpless Naina who had a small cut on her forehead she didn't remember getting and all over similar injuries to Vaidehi some black and purple bruises.

                "Well, hello daughter! Still weak I see..." the person eyed the helpless figure of Naina Oberoi.... 

                                       "Ma..please.."Naina pleaded her eyes begging the woman whom she fondly  referred to as mother irrespective of the constant torture thrown at her. Naina could see it, see the red eyes filled with rage looking down at her, she remembered the times she was tortured like this the last time, she almost died..

                                       "Leave her alone!Let her go ELINA!!" Vaidehi screamed at Elina Oberoi.

                                        "Oh no no no sweetheart! why would I let her go? After she decided to side you and your filthy family. A Shekhawat as a soulmate to a Oberoi? absolute disgrace!!" Elina screamed in rage and spat in disgust, narrowly missing Naina.

                                      "I am not a Oberoi! I never was and I will never be! And why do you care anyways? I am just an impure being anyways, now ain't I?!" Naina asked with a temper.

                      "Oh the girl's got a tongue? learning it off my dear friend Vaidehi I see, umm and what is this I hear, an impure being giving birth to magical blood? oh how ridiculous it sounds! right Jay?" Elina asked through a shrilling voice.. the man to her left still hooded nodded in approval.

                                      Elina angrily kicked  Naina in her stomach.. one..twice..thrice Naina kept her screams to herself. Knowing the childhood torture Naina very well knew not to give away anything which would excite Elina to continue  further. Naina was loosing her consciousness and the only thing keeping her up was Vaidehi's constant struggle to the restraints. 

                Another kick made the reality come crashing down to Naina as she felt the bile rise up and her stomach twist in pain, Naina screamed her heart out knowing she lost something she vowed to protect, she screamed for not her pain but for all the torture her baby had to go through before losing the battle in the womb, Naina Oberoi cried after ages.. Cried for what she had lost her unborn child to the hands of her so called mother. And she seeped into unconsciousness.

                            The big bombing voice out of granny's room was the last she heard off..  




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