chapter 23 crowfeather lionpaw Jay paw

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The day had came that they reached the mountains. Crowfeather sighed deeply as the the entrance of his mountain home became clear.
The closer they got the more uneasy....I only tried to help when I said that we should defend them Tribes borders! But instead I got my friends and tribmates killed. Hawkfrost tried to cheer me up but I snarled at him, "let's get this story over with," I tell him as we start to run up the mountain as the blizzard comes in from the north. I hate this! This has been drugged out long enough.
We've reached the inside the caves behind the waterfall.
Silence. Brook touched my back with her tail. "Where are my kits?"
"Stone teller? Hello? Is anybody here?"
I call as we look in the cave.
Jaypaw, Wonders down a side cave to the Speaking cave, I and Hawkfrost follow him as he seeks Answers from starclan. But my heart is not here my will to fight is gone. I know I killed my kits as they had been weak in heath when Stoneteller cast us out. Then we left to seek help. Head down I go to the nursery cave catching their scent even though it's stale.

I find her nest and curl up not carrying anymore.....the whole tribe is gone!!

Lionpaw Pov

Yuck the sadness is appalling from this grumpy old cat. I turn from him as I was exploring to see if I could fund food. The cave is dark and smelled strongly of cat. I fluff my fur against the cold that sweeps the cave. I follow my brother down the lone cave as he goes down this trail. I move beside him.
"Did you really try to kill Hawkfrost? Why?" Lately in have been feeling unsure of all this bring the clans down. Thundercla has been good to me. Yes I may have gotten super strength from the. Dark forest but maybe my paws will walk on the light
Jay paw came to a pool and in the light that filtered down through the whole lion paw could see the blizzard in the snow falling into the pool Jay Paul touched his nose to the icy cold water lion paw did the same.
He opened his eyes to see a Greenfield warm grass tickles his paws. He gazed around and realize this was not the Dark Forest this was starclan. Where is Jay Paw he wondered casting his eyes about you could not find his brother only the scent of warm prey and freshwater.
" greetings Young Lion Paul it's good to see you and starclan, we have been watching you and we know your future...and how you will die if you don't change your path.....follow hawkfrost don't be darkly deceived like your brother and sister for they can't be saved. But you Lionpaw, are able to help and in return we will let you have a special mate."
I like the sound of those words.... lion paw told him self.
"OK so what do I do?"
BLUEST AR stepped forth.
"Kill Tigerstar, and your brother and sister. Then when you die you Wil be granted full warrior ship into Starland when you die."

LIONPAW FELT sick to his pelt in order to be in Star Clans good graces he had to kill his mentor his brother and his sister. Can he do it?
A vision fell before his eyes. Of darkness and blood death and dying. He sees himself die a gruesome death...shuddered for a second Lionpaw. Agreed.
"I will take down my brother and my sister." Bluestar, smiled "good lionpaw."

Jaypaw, pov

TIGERSTAR sat in front of former blind Tom, "you must pass a test, I need you to kill your brother, Starclan has turned him slowly ever night they come to speak to him about being a good cat. So you must end him. Another cat will take his he was never really your brother."
Shock greeted Jaypaw at tigerstar's words how dare you say that lionpaw was never his brother but tigerstar's word is law besides he was getting soft anyway padding after this she cat that she cat....he was weak to the cause.
"Ok, master,"
"Good boy. Now speak to no one about this, when the time is right you will strike....the future depends on the death of Lionpaw."

Jaypaw, and Lionpaw, both awoke to glance at each other hate burning in their eyes. They each went their Separate Ways

So in the end two brothers are pitted against each other. One for good and one for evil....who will win?

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