chapter 20 the gathering part 1

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More chapters on the way.!!! 

Chapter 20 the gathering part 1

Slowly the moon began to rise over the lake, the last rays of the blazing sun winked out as the moon and stars showed up to greet the cats. Slowly cat shapes filled the paths to the Fallen Tree, the bridge to the Gathering Place. The cat's bristled with fear all of them even the hardened and Warriors of Shadow Clan fear strong within all.
The moon shines over the island, the ginger she cats fur is turning silver in the moonlight. Squirrelflight paused at the top of the bridge, her tail twitching her thoughts on starclan praying they will save them or give them a way out.
She looked for her sister, Leafpool, was walking with Hollypaw. Odd
She never speaks with her.
Squirrel flight walks over to her. And hears something extraordinary!!

"I know you have a power Holly paw, you can control weak cats with your mind. You made Stormstar, kill Cinderpelt!! I tried to stop him to reason with him bit he WAS unreachable! !! Now I know why!!!" My sister fur was bristling anger coursing through her body. I'm ice right now, frozen in time, how could she say that? How could she say that my husband was a murder.!! With a heavy heart I get closer. My own anger, palatable. I want to kill holly paw right now.
But now we must climb the tree bridge and give out our response to darkus.

Soon we gather around the Great Rock. The leaders of the clans sitting it the grass unsure if they should get on the rock.
"Are we not Warriors? Let's end this!!!!" SNARLED Blackstar, he started to leap into the great rock when a giant paw smashed him down. He struggled under the weight of the unknown paw.
The cats where shocked. It was a large brown cat. It had Black star pinned against the rock. He howls and hiss of fury did not help him in his stuggle to escape.
"My name is Darkwind, leader of Lions. You have no right to this island or this forest. It's belongs, to the Pride."
"Umm no, Darkwind, it's mine. Your just my Enforcer." Darkus stalked up to the rock, leaping up, clawed Darkwind, the lion, howls echoed on the island as he backed away from the Bloodclan leader. Leaving Blackstar on the ground where he fell. Blood oozing out of his back.
SQUIRRELFLIGHT WAS shocked at this turn of events.
Darkus smiled, his tail lashing above his head.
"Cats of the Clans, I advise you all not to resist. I'm now your leader, you will have time to fight later....."
The clan cats snarled at him rage clear in their eyes.

We won't bow to the likes of you!
Snarled the clans in one voice. Drowning out the snarl of Darkus. He frowned, but his eagerness to slay was great.

The black purple cat sat upon the rock, tail lashing as he waited the other cats to come as they did on the first gathering he had see when he first reached the clans. He purred at the thought. Tail raised in a sign to his cats and the lions he told them to hide. When I made this deal with the leader of the Mountain Lion Pride I knew only of getting my revenge on Firestar then to find out that he has died well that just makes my rage against all his kin and clan grow stronger!

I see the first of these puny clans come forth I think it's that Windclan. Dark-forest I hate Windclan! The leader of Windclan Weaselstar is very forget full sometimes but after last night attack he has sworn his clan to me! And Blackstar is far to arrogant for my liking but wont matter for soon all the clans will fall under my paws, with the help of the Lion-Pride of course.

I look past Weaselstar and Blackstar to see Riverclan's elderly leader Leopardstar coming followed leader of Thunderclan, Stormstar looking quite proud as he held his head and tail high. Fools soon you cry for mercy and nothing will save you!

Then I see Skyclan come in last and I wonder why they do not bother me as much as the others but no matter. I look over all the cats as they sniff the air drawing in the scent of the LionPride; I smirk for I can feel their fear and I love it!

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