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The silver light of the moon shown down on the Thunderclan camp as
Hawkfrost passed outside the nursery, his fur fluffed as he heard the cries of his mate Leafpool. This is just as nerve wracking as before when Flashstorm and Earthflight had been born last Greenleaf. Hawkfrost paused gazing at Stormstar who looked at him kindly before coming over and sitting with him.
With a sigh Hawkfrost, looked down at his paws. Stormstar laid his tail on the warriors back.
"I'm sorry, this must be hard for you, after you lost your first litter of kits to the storms of Greenleaf, but this time it will be different I know it.,"
Hawkfrost blinked. "Thank you Stormstar, I'm glad that even though they died as kits you gave them names of warriors,"
Stormstar nodded. His gaze traveled to his mate Squirrelflight, I know he is thinking about his own failed fatherhood, my heart is sad for her. To loose her kits before they were even born, that's sad.

Cinderpelt emerged from the birthing den with a tired look, on her muzzle.

She called to her Apprentice Honeypaw. They approached Hawkfrost and Stormstar.
She dipped her head to the leader then turned to face Hawkfrost, her eyes shining, "four kits two toms;two she cat." Hswkfrozt felt like he would burst with pride, then Cinder pelt spoke again, " she has no milk for four kits."
Stormstar frowned, "what do you mean we separate them? Give them to other clans? Cinderpelt these are Thunderclans kits!!"
Hawkfrost bushes his tail and bared his teeth, snarling at the Med cat. Just then
A vision flashed into Hawkfrost's mind a dark storm was coming over the clans, cats bled and died it was chaos. Then a voice gave Hawkfrost a prophecy:
There will be three kin of your kin,who will hold the power of the stars in their paws, but a fourth will be found to defeat the darkness that lasts forever.
Hawkfrost knew what had to be done his kits must go to each clan for only then can they save them. A time of darkness is coming, we must be ready.
Hawk frost turned away from the medicine cat and Stormstar.
"Thank you Stormstar for letting Leaf pool kit here,"
Why are we to send the kits away. Silverfrost appeared to him.
"Trust starclan,
From pools of frost four hero's will rise with gifts from the ancients to defeat the darkness that last forever.
Beware of three of darkness, remember the Tiger never stops hunting."
Left with a swirling mind Hawkfrost turned away from Stormstar eyes glittering with anger. Cinderpelt watched him with narrowed eyes.
"A time of change is coming for all of us," she murmured as she to departed to her den.

Warriors  Hawks Love 2:dark sunshineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن