chapter 6 baypaw Lionpaw Tigerstar

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The scent of fox is strong as the foxes are driven out of the in ground caves or tunnel. I see Hawkfrost, snarling at large male fox, it's snout curled as it snarled back," Leave clan territory for good!!!!" Hawkfrost snarled at the fox. He leaps up onto the foxes back, trying to bring it down. I send a small shoot of Ice at the fox. The fox slips falling to the ground. It's chaos, foxes snapping at cats, cats trying to dodge in these dark tunnels. It's a small fox pack but they are vicious! I scent Sierrapaw, and Ebonypaw. I wonder what their powers are and if they are helping with the fight.
Stop wasting time on that!! All will come to pass soon, for now you need to dodge, duck or freeze this fox!! The sound of MY mentor, Icestar, jolted me out of my thoughts. I turn to avoid the red blur coming my way, but I'm to slow !!
Teeth meet my scruff! ! I flay my paws trying to claw this fox!! But I can't reach anything! ! Starclan help me!! I writhed! !! Then I Remembered My tail!!! With great concentration I aimed my tail, at the fox is face. I iced it's ear! The sudden shock made the fox drop me!! I dash from the fox as it raced to the entrance of the tunnel.
Somecat saw you! Icestar, hissed. I froze my body low to the ground in midst of the tangle of fox legs and cat tails lashing in battle.
Who? I ask her.
I get no reply. Now I'm scared. My powers are only known to Shadowclan!
Just then I catch the scent of water and wet fur!
I turn to see the blue black tom with yellow eyes, sending a wave of water at the fox closest to the underlying stream. I knew it!! He is another cat for the prophecy that Finn told me about! I am amazed at the control he has over his element already, the fox was thrown into the fast flowing stream, the rest of the water, dried up leaving no trace it was ever there! Such control!!
Baypaw turned away from the Riverclan tom to send a brief shard of ice into the belly of a fox that had Blackstar pinned down. The large white black cat writhed under the paw of the fox, snarling the fox bent its head to bite Blackstar!!
With a howl of fury, I send a shard of ice into the fox. Then i,jumped onto its back clawing it's ears. Blood spurted from the fox's underbelly, were my ice shard had struck. I was happy. Most of the foxes had left.
Only four remained. Then I hear a blood curling screech.
I prick my ears turning then to find the source of the sound, I fund it.
Stormstar! The leader of a thunderclan.! The last of the 3 remaining foxes, have cornered the grey warrior. He was doing his best to fend then off. I could see he was loosing, so I charged the foxes, my teeth bared, tail lashing.
I bit one and froze another! Stormstar, seemed shocked but unfased at my show of powers. Well that's good I guess. I shake my head and refocus on the battle.
I drive away the last fox from Stormstar. He seems grateful ad he says thank you before he dash off.
I'm heading back to my mentor, when I see Rustfang, I stop. He seems to want my attention. I don't want to be seen with him. I barely know this cat.
"Baypaw, can we talk?"
I freeze, what did he see?
I turn to walk over to him but then Rowanclaw calls the clan together. I see the pain and fustration flash in Rustfangs eyes. He then dashes over to me, "meet me at our shared border tomorrow night. "
My heart speeds up hearing his words of forbidden fun. I dip my head and leave him.
I rejoin my clan but my thoughts are on that rust red Tom with golden eyes. My heart feels fluttery.

*** lionpaw.*** pov

The battle went OK i guess, I was fighting with two foxes, feeling happy Ness as they yelped under my claws, the blood staining the cave floor. My golden fur gleams in the pale light, I see the other clans fighting as well. My gaze is drawn to Heatherpaw. I'm enjoying watching her lean body, twist and curve as she fights for her clan. She is so cute!!
I can scent my mentor. Rainwhisker. The silver grey tom, sliced and clawed at the foxes.
I slink off to watch the battle when I hear a voice.
"Lionpaw!!" I pause in my paws steps. The hisses and yowls filling my ears. My heart is pounding, "Who is there?,"
In the dark recesses of this fox stink tunnles, I see a pair of glowing dark amber eyes. I catch a scent of decay and darkness.
LIONPAW!!! Do you want to be strong? ambition surged into my heart. Yes! I reply. I stalk over to the glowing eyes now revealed to be a broad shoulder, dark brown tom.
I crouch, low to the ground, all sounds of the battle fading as I look at this Ghost cat.
"Hello Lionpaw, Ive been watching you and your brother. I see great talent in your life. You can be a leader. Have all the clans bow at your paws. All you have to do is join me.
I cock my head to the side all the clans bowing to me? I like it!!!
"What should I do?"
The cat chuckles, "Join me in the Dark Forest." "I can give you the power you crave.,"
Do it!! do it!!! I curl my claws in the dirt my tail flicking as I give this cat me answer.
" sign me up!!" I stand tall.
"Look inside your self Lionpaw, it is done. Join me tonight for the start of your training. Then the Ghost cat vanished.
I take a deep breath, do I feel different? I dont. Anger washes over me. What a lie!!
My fur is burning with anger. I focus my rage on the remaining foxes. I run then leap into the middle of them. I swipe a paw at the Sky clan warrior Icefall. Is if in slow motion, I send him flying! I'm shocked. Then one of the foxes lunge at me pinning me to the ground. I'm pinned on my back my tail lashing as I block the muzzle of the Fox. I feel strongly like I can win that I'm invicable!. I find a opening! Driving my paw forward I Jab the fox in the muzzle, hearing a crack, I feel warm blood spray my coat. I broke the fox is muzzle!!
With a yowl, I leap to my paws, slicing left then right into the last two foxes.
This is awesome! !! I will rule the clans one day!!
Soon the battle is over. Many have cuts and bites. I think our leader may have lost a life but I don't know nor do I care. Tonight I begin my destiny!!!

I'm impressed this cat is like a moss ball in my paws. Soon with the help of this cat and his siblings. I will bring the clans to their knees.
I sit in the valley of the Dark forest, my mind on the plan I had for my new reign of terror.
I caught a wiff of a cat that had entered the Forest. Ah the little blind cat. But here he can see.
"JAYpaw, what can I do for you?." I narrow my eyes at him.
He is confidential in his pawsteps. Like a leader I know he can be. BRAMBLECLAW and Hawkfrost might have failed to lead there clans but these brothers have what it takes.
"I want to see in the real world, not just in dreams.,"
I prick my ears, well this is new.
I sit up taller drawing on my full height so I tower over the blue grey Tom cat.
"Well now, what will you you give in return for this?" My eyes narrowed to slits, my tail flicks to&fro.
"I Gave you the gift of Sight, Jaypaw. You have it already. But now you want to use it in the Waking World?"
"Yes, Tigerstar,"
"When you die, Jaypaw, you belong to me. I own you. Is that OK with you? "
Jaypaw, nodded. Very well then foolish cat. He will have a harder time now. But at least I won't loose him. To Starclan. Like Hawkfrost.
I nod to Jaypaw, he follows me just as I want him to. I take him to a murky pool. This is the Darkpool. It grants gifts and vision like the one in Starclan.
"Place your head into the water, hold your breath. Until I tap you with my paw to bring u out."
I hold back a chuckle. I'm so pleased for once this is going my way.
"AN afterlife for Permanent Sight!!" That is the price this cats pays.!
It's done. The flash of green light tells me that as is the rush of power I feel leaving Jaypaw body. He gasps for air, as I tell him to get up. His blue eyes are still cloudy. But there is a new sense of awareness in them. Good he will still be useful to me.
"Now go, and remember you belong to me, now and forever."
Jaypaw, starts to fade leaving the Dark Forest.
I have a plan for him. He first must become a medicine cat. That is the second price he must pay.

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