chapter 15 Hawkfrost Jaypaw Shadowpaw

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Hawkfrost POV

Hawkfrost sat at the medical den waiting for Leafpool to prepare the traveling herbs.
He loved watching her work admiring the sway of her lithe body, the happy Ness in her eyes as she did her job. I wonder if we will have another litter of kittens.
"Hey, stop staring at me!!" She growled playfully. He smiled at his gorgeous wife, "who knows how long I will be gone on this Journey wretched as it may be with likes of my traveling company." He paused. "So yes my love I will stare at you for a long time!"
She smiled. Starclan! She loved him!
The weather was cool as leaf-fall began its March onto the clans.
Fluffing his fur, Hawkfrost, scanned the camp for the others. Sorreltail, Sierrapaw, his daughter. And Jaypaw, and his brother Lionpaw.
HAWKFROST once more could not shake the feeling that those kits of Princess where bad news. In fact she never left the nursery; we don't need a nursery maid.
Stormstar sat at the High ledge with Squirrelflight; he was talking to her about the trip. "You have 3 moons until you need to return," he pressed his muzzle into her neck fur.
Hawkfrost wanted to get on with the trip but he was waiting for Lionpaw, and Jaypaw to finish eating.
Hollypaw sits beside her brothers her tail lashing in anger; she is upset she was not picked.
Leafpool comes over to me with a bundle of herbs. "You think you can avoid the herbs? Think again my love," Leafpool purred as Hawkfrost curled his lip before eating the bitter herbs.
Stormstar gave loud yowl the cats all gathered around him.
"Today cats from Thunderclan Shadowclan and Riverclan join to go into the mountains to help solve the rogue problem before they come here. Crowfeather was one of the cats that help us find this new home so now we must help protect his!" Yowls of agreement filled the hollow as the rest of the traveling cats finished eating the herbs.
"Be safe Squirrelflight," he said to her.
"We will meet the other cats on the way, may Starclan light your path,"
The clan gave us their greetings as we went out the thorn tunnel, Leafpool walked with me to the edge of our land.
"Goodbye, be safe Hawkfrost,"
Sadness clouded her amber eyes as I kissed her, telling her I would be careful.
Then I turn and we walk off Thunderclan land into our next adventure.

#Jaypaw pov#

We walk through the forest to the end of Thunderclan. I can see thanks to the Gifts of the Deadpool, in the Dark forest but to every other cat I'm blind. This is fine by me. I was really blind as a kit. But the Great Tigerstar healed me. My brother Lionpaw, got invincibility, and my sister got mind control and mind reading. It's how she converted, Thunderclan's leader into a killer!!!!
But now I'm wondering why we are even here on this trip!
The sunlight filtering down from the tees hurts my eyes a bit. So I walk in Hawkfrost shadow. As he is taller than me. My brother is at the back to keep us safe from Darkus. But the plan is to avoid his barn best we can. I chuckled it seems odd to me that Tiger star is afraid of Dark us for an odd reason.
Soon the other cats join us. Baypaw and a former queen Snowbird of Shadowclan. And from Riverclan, Ebonypaw, and his mentor Rustfang. Now we can begin.

The sun was warm as the cats traveling over the territory getting closer, to the tribe, Crowfeather in the lead followed by Brook. Why are we helping these cats? I wonder to myself, the scent of prey began to make my mouth water.
I turned to Sorreltail, to ask her if we could stop when a new scent washed over my muzzle. I froze in my tracks trying to figure out how the clouds came down from the sky and why they stink.
"Lionpaw, what are those?" My brother growls at me his anger quite clear but why is he mad?
"Sheep, you stupid or what?" With that he bounded away to try to talk with Snowbird.
I take another look at the sheep, they are odd creatures, and they are totally obviously to us cats as we walk by. I see up ahead the dark grey of a thunder path and I wonder how we are going to cross it safely.
Hawkfrost halts the group. "Jaypaw, with me and Sorreltail, then followed by Crowfeather, Rustfang and Sierrapaw, after them the rest can follow." I nodded to hawk frost to let him know I heard him.
Soon the Monsters come, you can't miss them, the ground vibrates, and the stench is awful. "Hold still Jaypaw. After it passes you run"
"OK Hawkfrost." I growl at him a plan forming in my mind....
The Monster passes. I dart before Hawkfrost gives the word, I knew another car is coming. "NO Jaypaw! Comeback!!" Sorreltail dashes out with Hawkfrost, as I race across directly into its path, Hawkfrost, and that she cat behind me!
Time seemed to slow as I leap out of the Monster way, onto the other side safe. Leaving those two cats to their fate!!!
I hear screeching followed by a noise like a wounded bird.
I turn to look from the safe side of the Thunder path; I see that the others are horror struck. A shiny red film covered the ground; a body lay on the road.
I feel happy. I killed, Hawkfrost!! His body still lay on the Thunderpath.
The others are huddled at the edge yowling their pain to the silly Stars. Happy Tigerstar. ?


THE moor land is cool as I stalk the rabbit; I keep my dark grey body to the ground putting one paw in step with the other, my pelt stiff, with pleasure at my first solo hunt. I want to catch this Rabbit without my powers, so I creep forth I scent the air again the rabbit is sleeping in the path I'm walking.
"Are you watching Wynterflame? Watch as I make this easy kill!!" I think of my Dark forest mentor and how she taught me to use my dark powers, I can blind cat at will or even rarer change my shape!! That gift came from my Starclan mentor Littlesong. Foolish Tom though, he thought he could stop the Dark Forest from taking me, he was wrong. Now I serve as Dark us is spy. I told him that some warriors have left and now the clans may be vulnerable to a small attack...I even told him who would be on night watch tonight for Windclan.
Closer to the rabbit I come, I can hear its heart beat! Soon I should be able to pounce. I send my power out to blind the rabbit, a dark cloud surges from my paw, I can't risk it getting away. The black cloud settles on the rabbit, now I can kill it.
I leave caution to the wind, as I race to the rabbit, the rabbit gets up but I'm too quick for it. My claws outstretched I snare in the neck, killing it. The rabbit never had a chance. Just like the Clan and clans there after wont. For tomorrow war will come and I will be a leader. For dark us is giving me my Warrior name.
Yes tomorrow the Clans will fall.


Firestar was scared, he could not see Hawkfrost his view was blocked but what he could see troubled his. Dark clouds are sweeping over the clans a storm is coming. "We are powerless to stop it," I pray the three come together soon before the end," the ginger tom looked at his beloved Starclan, its brightness and warmth is slowly fading, prey is seemingly less each moon.

I hope I can have the strength to fight once more when my clan needs me. Trouble is soon at our dens. I pray Stormstar can meet it and I'm sorry I was unable to protect Cinderpelt but perhaps I can give her another chance.

Yes perhaps I can chance the heart of one of the False Three perhaps that will chance the tide of battle and the future of the clans. If not then we won't make it. Tigerstar would win; this forbidden act must be done.

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