chapter 2

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☆☆☆ Shadowclan ☆tawnypelt ☆☆☆

The moonlight filtered down into the pines of Shadowclan as two cats stalked the midnight prey. The she cat a white with orange tips on her ears, legs and tail; she looked around as they waited for the prey.

Tawnypelt looked at her apprentice with narrowed eyes. "Now we have practiced on your powers to hunt I want you to use them in a fight. Baypaw one day you will be in a battle and you need to master your Powers over your element."

Tawnypelt looked around the clearing her gaze sharp as she scanned for other cats.

"Summon the ice to your claws, Baypaw."

She saw her apprentice, frowned her cold blue eyes narrowed. With a sigh Tawnypelt placed her tail, stifling a shiver at her cold touch. She would see tis cat into a warrior her clan could be proud of.

"Don't worry about me, my dear," she stepped away from the she cat.


I shake my fur and give my tail a sharp twitch. I can feel the coldness spread to my white, claws. They glow blue; I send more of my Ice to them. Can I really attack my Mentor?

"Baypaw do it!" Tawnypelt snarls at me teeth bared, ears flat she lunged at me! With a squeal I fall back taking a blow to the face, my blood trickles out now anger flashes into me. With a yowl I leap at her. My claws flash out as I rake them on her side sending ice onto her fur, ice raced down her leg onto the ground freezing her in place.
Tawny pelt yelped as the coldness seeped into her golden brown fur. With a hiss she jerked her paw from the ice. Leaping forward she sliced her paw down at Baypaw, whom dodged the blow.
I have to be faster, can I send my ice after the enemy? Baypaw stared at tawny pelt her gaze hard as she leaped to her paws  claws outstretched, her claws glowed blue, ice stream shot from them. Tawny pelt tried to dodge the ice but baypaw, turned in front of her clawing her ear. Landing the blow rattled Baypaw The ice in tawny pelt fur melted as Baypaw lost her focus, the a snarl, she flipped her apprentice onto her back teeth bared in her face.
"What are you doing, your supposed to be fighting with your ice not use it to freeze an opponent! for as soon as you loose focus it melts and they can escape!"
Tawny pelt backed off of Baypaw, the ginger and white she cat looked down at her paws. Her ears flat with burning anger. She looked up. Then she pounced, ice surging from her claws, with a yowl the orange-white she cat lashed her tail, sending an arc of ice to surround her mentor. Clawing Tawnypelt, Baypaw froze clumps of fur and tore clumps out. She scented blood. She saw a nick in Tawnypelt ear,blood flowed from the wound, she felt bad for hurting her mentor. She paused in her attack, she sent a brief stream of ice to her mentors wound.
TAWNYPELT, SNARLED at her, "what are you diong? "
"I want to heal you, I don't want you hurt,"
"Bloody starclan, your training to be a warrior not a med cat. Get your head in the game or you will loose it in battle!"
Tawnypelt turned away from Baypaw. Baypaw snarled, her teeth gleaming in the moonlight. With a howl she sent a wave of ice to her mentor, Tawnypelt tried to jump into the air to avoid the attack but failed. The ice engulfed her. Tawnypelt was frozen solid!!! Shock choked Baypaw, how do I reverse this!!!
Then a white cat glowed beside her. She turned to look at the cat only to see stars in its fur.
My name is Icestar. Breathe little cat, calm your mind, your angry at her so be calm and the ice will melt. Baypaw froze her ears pricked.
The glowing white she cat sat beside her licking her left paw as if she is waiting for Baypaw to do something.
Think baypaw. I got it!!
She cleared her mind of her anger and fear. She thought of warm sunshine and slowly the ice melted. Tawny pelt lay in a soggy heap. Her eyes closed.
Fear coursed through Baypaw at the thought of her mentor dead.
She looked around for Icestar. The other cat was gone, only her scent remained, a cold scent of pines like shadowclan. Could Icestar have once ruled Shadowclan?
Baypaw shook her mind from those thoughts to focus in her mentor. She pressed a paw on her flank feeling to any sign of life, she pawed harder on the she cat when she felt a ripple roll on her belly. Odd that felt like a kit kick! Stunned she felt again. Yes , Tawnypelt is with kits! Happy for the new life growing inside, she tried even harder to get Tawnypelt to rise.
"Come on!!! Get up!!" She hissed to her. Finally after what seemed like ages Tawnypelt rose to her paws.
She licked her fur shaking eachpaw in turn. Her gaze bright she purred. "Very good Baypaw. Let's go hunting now,"
Pride swelled in Baypaw. At least for now she had control of her ice.
They padded into the forest, the shadows seemed to close in about Baypaw. Even though she was born here this place has never really felt like home. sure the scent of the pine,oak and birch brought comfort for a short time she liked it better when the trees held less shadows. They reached a small clearing, hopping unaware was a red bird. its Blood red feathers shining against the short cropped green grasses. Baypaw studied the bird with her head tilted to the side. that birds eyes are blue! she flicked her tail at her Mentor.

"Look, at that bird's eyes. they are blue not black!" she hissed into Tawnypelt's ear. the Shadowclan she-cat paused in her stalking of the bird, with a annoyed look on her muzzle. she glared at Baypaw. "I dont care what color that bird is! it could be a Rainbow eyed for all i dont care, its prey Baypaw." she crouched as she started her stalking.

"NO!" Baypaw leaped in to Tawnypelt's path of the bird, knowingly that the bird would fly away.

It did not. the bird stood there watching them not even trying to save its self. this shocked Tawnypelt and Baypaw. They exchanged a glance, what an odd bird. "Go see if you can use your Ice on it." Tawnypelt ordered Baypaw. fur bristling she stalked forth only for the Bird to vanish. What!? Baypaw shook her head. she went over to were the bird had been only to find a few feathers but no bird, nothing to say if it was--Baypaw shooed her thoughts and stood up from her crouch. She was puzzled. She looked at the one red feather under her paw. The feathers color seemed to bleed into the grass staining it and her white paw. What does that mean ?
The feather faded until it was gone. . How? She turned to face her mentor. "Did we have a vision??" Tawny pelt sat beside her looking at the spot.
"Perhaps it has a meaning we don't see yet. I don't know. But for now let's keep quiet about it,"
Baypaw dipped her head,"of course," tasting the air she scented mouse. So leaving the weirdness behind she stalked her prey. Careful not to use her power on the prey. Who would eat a frozen mouse anyway?
The wind shifted, bringing the scent of vole from the left of her stalking. With a twitch of her tail she sent a sygnal to tawnypelt. "Vole over there," she hissed quietly.
The dark golden she cat nodded her head, then turned after it.
The thrill of the hunt filled her as she came up on the mouse. She could see its beady black eyes, it's twitchy nose. She sank back on her haunches, gathering her strength. Then she pounced killing it swiftly.
Soon they caught enough prey to feed the elders and the clan.

Later that morning tired as she was baypaw could not take her mind off  the blue eyed bird. Once she was sure all the cats were asleep she eased out of her den. Her paws pressed lightly on the forest floor.
The pale morning lite seemed to welcome her as she reached the clearing. She sat her tail twitching, her short fur bushed as she tasted the cool morning air.
She watched the birds awaken and begin their singing. She watched for the Blues eyes red bird. She cocked her head as she started t I feel silly sitting in the grass looking for her prey.
I think that bird is important for something I just don't know what. I hear the warriors at night mutter about how we can defeat the foxes. They have been at war with these foxes since I was a kit. Baypaw broke off her musing as a new scent caught her attention. She rose to her paws, claws out ready to fight.
A very young fox stepped from the thicket further from Baypaw to the right of her. She arched her spine, then she saw the eyes of the fox. Not dark green but icy blue. They stared.
Exciting as this was Baypaw knew it was still dangerous.
She waited for the fox to attack, heart pounding, claws working the ground. The fox came up to her, it's ears flat, it's white tipped bushed.
"I found you," the fox sat with its tail curled around its front paws. It's ears still lay flat like it was still unsure of this.
BAYPAW narrowed her eyes, "what do you want with me?,"
The fox cocked his head with a faint grin.
"MIDNIGHT TOLD me," he rasped.
BAYPAW snarled, "Told you what about me?." Now she was feeling angry at this fox.
She felt the air cool as her power rose to her defense. The fox flicked one ears as it felt the chance in the air.
"I need to know if your truly the one of the FOUR." Rumbled the fox. "I BELIEVE that your one of the cats in the prophecy. I also bring news on how to defeat Foxclan.," interesting.
The she cat looked at the fox, taking note of its soft fur, the muscles ripples under its coat. This is a strong fox, why would he betray his clan?
"Okay, but first I want your name...mine is----" she stopped as the fox opened his muzzle.
"Your name is Baypaw. Daughter of Snowbird and Ratscar." The fox smirked his tail twitching as he chuckled at the look of shock on her face.
Baypaw, shook her pelt, regaining her composer, she dipped her head.
"Fair I should belive that Midnight Told you, of my name but I think I need your name before I can trust you."
The fox sighed.
"My name is Finagin. Or Fin for short,"
Baypaw nodded as she rose to her paws.
With a lick of her lips , she spoke again.
"Well Finagin, the next we meet I hope you have something usefull for my Clan. Good bye." With a flick of her tail she walk off.

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