chapter 5 Leafpool Icefall Baypaw

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LEAFPOOL POV thunderclan

The night was cool for Greenleaf as we medicine cats made our way to the Moonpool. We Need To Know We Will
Win this time.
I gaze up at the stars, I see the four bright stars gleaming down.
I hope to see my kits if they come, it's sad they know not I'm thier mother. My kits! Tears fell from leafpool eyes, as she walked the path up to the Pool.
She saw shadowclans new medicine cat, Daisyfur, the kittypet whom Darkus, drove out. With her kits they have turned into great warriors.
Cinderpelt rested her tail on my back. She knows my pain is still fresh. But I must forge onward. My clan my mate they need me, my kits do not. They have new mothers now. They r well on their way to being warriors.
"CATs of the clans, tonight we seek the Warriors of old to guide our paws in this battle. Let's a share dreams tonight." Cinder pelt finished her speach. All the gathered cats took a drink.
***in starclan***
The wind was warm, the sunshine gleamed over the tall grasses of the cat heaven.
Firestar sits on the giant rock along with Bluestar, and Midnight.
Leafpool, Walks up to her father, pressing her muzzle into his fur.
"My daughter, have strength, times of darkness are coming. But I have a message for you. This moon you will win. The foxes will leave. For a time peace will be here. Then darkness will come."
I step back from my father. When will this darkness come? All I hear is darkness this and that. I'm getting weary of it all.
I lash my tail.
"Have my kits discovered there powers yet?" I ask my father. Even I don't know how or why they have them but I know they do, I knew it at their birth.
My father blinks at me his gaze cool, "only two for now, my daughter."
I nod my head,"Good," my heart is happy once more.

"Will the foxes leave?" Asks Willowshine, her question is directly addressed to the badger.
I look at the Badger.
Midnight speaks.
" yes the foxclan will leave. But the price will be high,"
I stifle a shudder of fear.
Then the dream world fades and I awake.
I'm happy for now we will have peace.
**** outside of starclan***
Leafpool, awakes first seeing MothWing sitting by the pool she walks over to her.
"So what did StarClan have to say?" She mewed softly. I place my tail on her back, "They say we will have victory, but the price will be high," I feel Mothwing sigh. "So be it," with that she got up and left to join her clan at the base of the hill.
I turn from her my happiness tainted by the thought of one of my clanmates. Be they River or Thunderclan to be killed.
That's in paws of Starclan
I make my way down to Hawkfrost, he stands with Leopardstar, being deputy of Riverclan and living in Thunderclan must be hard.
He comes over to me worry in his icy blue eyes, "My darling whats,wrong?"  I ask him.
"I gave my deputy ship to Reedwhisker for now. He is a good cat. I want to be fully with you not torn between to clans." He pressed his warm muzzle into the crook of my neck. I purr, twining my tail with his.
"One day you will make a great leader." I say to him.
I draw from his strength, I need him, it's very hard for me. Starclan knows I've not been happy having to give up my kits. Watching them grow up with out me.
"Firestar told me two of our kids have their power. I'm so happy."
"That's good newz, perhaps one of them can use their Gift to help defeat the foxes." HAWKFROST mews.
I nod my head, "let's go defeat these foxes. "

It has been six moons since I got my warrior name. Since then, I have been very busy, in the Dark Forest, with my clan. But most of my time is spent with my mate Firefox. I asked Cherrystar, if I could bring her to the clan. She was reluctant at first, but then she saw how much I love her. Said yes. I'm so happy at least I was until this Moon when that cat Darkus showed up out of no where. so far he is staying way at the barn and out of my Fur.  Brambleclaw is healing nicely, but his eye could not be saved, so Fernshade had to remove it.  now he is a welcome member of skyclan. but Cherrystar wont let him on any of the  border patrols.  but mostly my leader is scared, because of this new threat, THe Foxes. they have killed many in other clans but none in ours. she wonders why. i know why.  and im not telling yet. its all part of the plan to bring the clans to its knees.

"Icefall, we need to go, the other Clans are waiting for us," that is the sweetest voice i lnow the vioce of my Mate, I follow.  he sun  is filitering down and pooling in spots were the treestops are thin,  the tall grass has been laid flatt by the passing deer, its all calm and peaceful. a red bird flies past us, i catch a glimpse of it eyes and that makes me halt in my tracks.  that bird had bright blue eyes!  I feel another cat bumb into me. its the Deputy. Whaspwhisker. he glares at me, "NO time for hunting prey, we must get to the Island before sunset." I lash my white black tiped tail in his face. "Of Course i know there is no hunting mousebrain. cant a cat watch prey for fun for once?"  I say with a fake sweetness i know he is rolling his eyes at me but i dont care.  instead I keep walking away from him.  lost in my own thoughts.

Tigerstar want me to train a new Dark Forest Recruit, named Lionpaw. He and his other Brother Jaykit, they are the key to the Destruction of the clans. I am excited, the other cat I've trained was a she cat named Shadowpaw. Now there is a cat that could rival even Tigerstar in her path for power. In Dark Forest she is feared as much as Mapleshade. I make my way with my clan to the Island; I see my leader red fur up head, Firefox just beside her. They are talking I don't know about what, I want my mate with me. I growl low in my throat, just then I see one of the Shadow Cats from the dark Forest, walking beside me. I open my mind so we may MindSpeak.

"Greetings young Icefall""

"Same to you Mapleshade."

"Those fools in starclan told the Medicine Cats that today they will have victory. I don't want them to have victory, so do something."
I scoff what can I do?
"I don't want to be killed trying to make them fail." I break the connection then race off to my mate. Drawing comfort in her calming scent.
Firefox flicks her tail, as she whispers to me.
"So what has Mapleshade been saying?"
Her mew is low as we jump in sync over a branch in our path.
I reply back, "She says Tigerstar wants me to train a new cat, named Lionpaw. TIGERSTAR THINKS that these kits of Princess are the key, to the Clans downfall."
She frowns, at my words.
"You don't like it?" I wonder if she wants out but the sad thing is no one has left Tigerstar once they join his Cause.
"I was hoping that perhaps, you could take a break?" I am slightly shocked by her words. We both love the Dark Forest. What changed?
Nothing has changed I'm just being an overreacting tom.
I can scent the island now, my paws are tingling now at the thought of battle!!
  ***Baypaw*** Shadowclan***
I'm scared. I know it as I can scent my own fear.  I try to work on my Ice control, but my fear is making it hard, I just froze that stand of catmint, I hope no cat noticed that!!!
Oh why was I picked for this? I'm not ready! I shuffle my paws over to the large Leader Tree where the leaders and deputy sit. Tonight is a half moon. I sit in the shadow of the great tree trying not to freeze everything around me. Starclan help me! This is my first real battle!!!
I fluff my fur trying to stay calm.
"Nervous young one?," I hear the rich male voice of a tom. My heart leaps a few beats. I turn to see a rusty red black Tom with a fluffy tail, golden color eyes.
"You have the scent of Riverclan, but who are you?" I ask this handsome Tom.
The golden eyed tom, dipped his head, "My name is Rustfang." My heart speeds up, his scent is comfortable to me. I walk over and sit beside him. I feel safe.
He smiles, "First battle?" I nod he pressed against me gently. He tail, flicking over my back.
"Your do fine, Baypaw."
I purr.
Thundeclan cats gathered , I see  a dark blue black Tom with yellow eyes stalking a mouse at the edge of the gathering place. I draw in his scent, clear and cool with fishyness.  A river clan cat!
I see Icestar's ghostly form behind this tom and I now know that Tom is the next cat I need to seek out. But before I could the call is given for battle!!!

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