chapter 12 Darkus hawkfrost Leafpool

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my plans are forming nicely but i want to give the clans a taste of more bloodshed I have in mind. I scan into River clan land I see them mulling around doing their patrols and what not. I want to attack now with the full strength of Bloodclan. But I hold back, I see my mate Frostsnake blood is dried on her fure, Foxes, she is gorgeous. I walk over to her, starting to twine my tail with her, but she hisses and backs off.
"Don't play with me, Darkus. You sent my kits away on some atrocious plan of yours. So no you don't get to play sweet with me. " she stalked off leaving him to his thoughts.
He growled, his black, purple pink striped tail lashed in his anger.
"Cats of Bloodclan," the leader called out.
"The clans have rejected our proposal to have me as the ultra leader,"
Howls and growls filled the barn as his cats showed their anger. Darkus approved of their anger, how dare the Clan cats reject him!

He gazed at his clan, all blood thirsty as he was, each cat wanting to do battle, perhaps its time to do a attack and show the clans what happens when you refuse the Great Grand son of Scourge.

"In four moons we will attack the clans, i want us to practice our battle training, we must be ready to defeat this cats."
I won't think of what Scourge told me. Darkus thought to him self as he watched his cats move off to start battle training. He flicked his tail as he caught the scent of the cats he was waiting for since sunrise.
A blue grey Tom, followed by a black she cat, and a Golden tom. SCOURGE'S champions, the hope of the Dark forest.
"Greetings Darkus,"
The blind bluegrey Tom stared at the large Tom whom commanded their very lives.
"Have you found the cats or any weakness my plan?"
Darkus growled at Jaypaw and his sister and brother.
They shook thier heads.
Darkus glared at them his fur already bushed with anger with a yowl he launched himself at the cats.
hollypaw closed her eyes and and jerked her head to the side, Darkus was thrown mid leap to the side. He scrapped on his side his tail lashing as he tried to get his balince back. His eyes dark voids of fury.
Lionpaw growled at him. "We are still adjusting to the new powers we got from the leader s of the dark forest, we have not the time to search for those cats whom if they exsit could defeat you,"
He placed a golden paw on the Bloodclan leaders tail, crushing it beneath his paw.
Reaching down Lionpaw, growled in his ear, "Never attack us again. Or I will kill you and take your clan. You are nothing to us,"
He then stepped back letting the Tom get up. With his pride hurt he dismissed the 3 saying he wants to see them again soon and that he will send word. he twitched his tail trying to se if he had movement. he was happy that he did. but his anger roared in his ears, he slashed his paw down, wanting to feel the flesh rip and tear under his claws.

Be calm young tom, all will come to pass just be patiance,'

Darkus looked around at his cats all of them ready for the word to be said to gouge out the eyes of the clan cats.

The glow of icy blue eyes could be seen in the shadows of the barn. Scourge! Darkus felt his fur begin to rise. How was he in the world of the living?

Your hatred of the clans gives me strength.

This declaration made the black and purple cat happy. I may not have to wait four moons, I may strike now!
He held his head high, his heart seeped with pride. DARK US then went to the prey pile, he saw slim choice. He growled....turning from the pile he wanted to know we're the last piece of prey was caught. It was a skinny shrew.
A bright yellow tabby came forth, Cornstrike. His daughter.
"Cornstrike, were have u been hunting? "
He growled.
The she cat dipped her head, "in the tunnels that run under clan land, Father. They don't know they are there,"
Shock filled Darkus but he was happy his own daughter found a way to start attacking the clans. The tunnels! !!

Hawkfrost pov

The day was getting cooler as Leaf-fall approached I casted a look around the stone hollow looking for my mate. I find her with Jaypaw, anger flashed threw me at the sight.

How did Cinderpelt die that day two moons ago, when Jaypaw was mad into a Medicine cat ?

"It's time," Silverfrost spoke to me in my mind, I cocked my head to the side, "what is time?"

The silver tabby tom shimmered before me, his tail curled over his back, "for your kits to meet you and Leafpool, Darkus is close we need to bring them all together, there will be three kin of your kin who hold the power of the stars in their paws. They will find the fourth and cast out the darkness. Form the three, as Starclan searches for the fourth.

Leafpool will be happy now, I think to myself as I move into the shad of the walls, the wind brisk.

I motion for my mate, she looks up from her task with Jaypaw. I can feel his eyes on me, and im reminded of a part of the prophcay I did not share with Leafpool, Beware the jay who can see... I wonder about him I know he had a ceremony with my father but what that was I don't know.

My beautiful mate walks over to me, I lick her muzzle, "Leafpool i have great news, come lets go talk some where privet.

leafpool sent Jaypaw, back to the den.....

Leafpool POV

This news thrilled me I wanted to yowl my joy to the heavens. But I held my Tongue...we need more time.
I look over to see Sierrapaw, soon I hope she will be a warrior. Her golden coat shined In the sun, I love her even if she douse not know me, personally.
I purr, twine my tail with hawkfrost, he noddes at me as we embrace.
"I want to tell them after they all become warriors," understanding glowed, in his icy blue eyes.
A scent blew across camp, it was familiar to the cats.
A dark almost black Tom walked in to camp, shocked gasps came from the cats, Sierrapaw, fur rose. Leaf pool looked to Hawkfrost. He seemed confused but then Squirrelflight, yowled, In joy.
Great starclan!!! What next?

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