chapter 3 jaykit . tigerstar Hawkfrost

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*JAYKIT * thunderclan

Here I sit in this pathetic nursery, alone again. I flick my tail crossly trying ignore, the happy sounds of camp as my brother and sister get some fresh air without me. I sniff the air drawing in the scent of my clanmates. I seek the scent of one she cat. Her name is Sierrapaw. A bold she cat with a fierce temper like her mother Squirrelflight. I looked for her.
Her scent is different like rushing wind or hot flames. I can't place it but I like it.
The blue gray tomcat stalked out of the nursery. His tail held high. His milky blue eyes gleamed as he aproach the other cats gathered around the High rock.
Jaykit. Catches the scent of his mother, Princess sitting with Cinderpelt. He angled his ears to hear what was being said.
"After that fox stunt, I think it best for him to be a med cat instead of a warrior," the crippled she cat spoke in low pitiful tones. Jaykit, growled as he felt her pity as his mother snarled at Cinderpelt.
I don't want your pity!! As quietly as Jaykit could he slunk away from the two shecats. He caught the wave of excitement from his sister Hollypaw. I wonder why she is happy? Just because I couldn't have my Apprenticeship started last moon with you don't mean you have to rub it it.
Just then I hear paw steps coming to me. I sniffed the air, exciment filled me from nose to tail.
I turned to sense her laughter, as she sat down beside me her purrs loud. I try to still my rapid heartbeat.
"Hello, Jaykit. How are you?" She asked.
I glare at her, feeling her pity. What is with cats and the need to Pity me?
"I'm fine, but I would like to know why you care?" I flex my claws feeling a tide of anger wash over me. But then I realized I'm nor is Sierrapaw angry. Who is then?
I scent the air, drawing in the clans scent along with the smells of his clanmates. There! The scent of anger is from Squirrelflight. Why is she mad?
He sniffed the air, he caught the scent of a fox. His pelt prickled again. I know that scent! That the scent of the fox kit that chased I Hollypaw and lionpaw. When we were kits trying to impress the clan leader.
Squirrelflight, dashed up to the leader rock Stormstar by her side.
Jaykit listened intently.
The ginger she cat yowled, "cats of Thunderclan, we have received a report from Shadow clan that a possiblem solution for the fox problem had been found"
Jaykit pricked his ears at this new info. That's interesting! I will  probe Squirrelflight mind. Her defense is not as strong as other cats.
I see the border with Shadowclan, the strong scent of cats almost overcome me but I pushed deeper into her memory. I see her talking to a full grown cat and Apprentice.
It's Tawnypelt one of the senior warriors.
The other cat is orange and white, I catch her scent. It's cold!!! LIKE frost or something.
I'm shocked. But even more shocking was the words that filled my head.
Kill the Four take your place as Three. I froze upon hearing those bone chilling words.
But I liked this!!! This sense of power flooded me and I catch a scent of dark musk and rotten leaved. I pull my thoughts from the memory, a little sad that I left her mind but I had to follow that scent. I only have listened  as Squirrel flight spoke of Baypaw, and Tawnypelt plan. I don't care for the plan anyway. The clans have been dealing with FoxClan since before I was born
I creep away to the dirtplace, I don't need sight to find it!
Once there I squeeze on outside into the forest. I scent the air, I catch the scent of prey but on top of that is the scent of darkness and decay.
I sit in the shade of an oak tree, sniffing. I pick my ears trying to catch a sound, my paws prickled as I sat.
Jaykit!! Close your eyes join me.
The voice is that of a tom. I feel slight fear but I push it down. I tuck my paws, and close my eyes.
    *Tigerstar pov*
I can hardly contain my happyness the kin, of Firestar have fallen into my paws. Starclan protects those foolish offspring of Leafpool and Hawkfrost, but these kits have a darkness I can use!!! I lick my lips.
"So you found some pawns for your game, eh?" Meowed a silky tone of a female.
I turn to the she cat.
"What do you want?" I growl, baring my teeth at her.
"I'm in the middle of my plan," I turn away from her trying to get to Jaykit.
"Go away or get your own kit to train for the Cause,"
The motley she cat sniffed then with a lash of her tail stalked away. "I shall leave you to your planning for now Tigerstar." Then she was gone blending into the mirk of the dark forest.

I call to Jaykit. I see his body coming into the Forest. With this cat I will rule the Clans as well as the stars.
The blue grey Tom sniffs the air drawing in my scent, I purr. Yes this one is the weakest out of his siblings.
"Welcome young Jaykit.," I gaze into his sightless eyes.
"How do you know my name? What is this place?,"
I lick the top of his head, "This is the Dark Forest. Home of cats wronged by Starclan.."
I pause noting his pricked ears, the taunt Ness of his whiskers as he enjoyed this.
He looked at me, I speak, softly to him.
"What do you want to be a warrior? Or a lowly medicine cat?" I see the shock fill him.
"How do you know that?" He backed away his fear scent strong. I give him a nod then remember that he can't see me.
Jay kit speaks.
"Cinderpelt, says I'm to be a Medicine cat. Because of my blindness, I can't be a warrior," he eyes are blazing with anger.
With his anger I can use him.
Tigerstar, says to him self.
I get up, turn away from him before I speak.
"I can help you be a Warrior, join me and you shall have sight and power your crave," I stroke my tail along his back. I can't push him into this he must want it for him self.
A pause, I scent the ghost of prey filtered into the air, pity starclan gets real prey and we get ghosts. I lash my tail trying to rein in my anger.
Come on! It's a simple request.
I pick my ears at the sound Jaykits small voice.
"I accept."

"Good," then I led him away to the place of the DarkPool.

Soon I will have my revenge on Firestar and his blasted kin. And all the clans.

I see JAYKIT Sneak away. I wonder were he is going, that is an odd kit that one.
I Start To follow, when I catch sight of my mate coming to me.
She blocks my path, cutting me off from the blind kit.
"Hawkfrost, honey, that kits Destiny is not for your paws to control,"
I hope he is not part of the evil foretold to come.
I looked into leafpool light amber eyes, "you care for all kits,"
I give her shoulder a quick lick, watching the blue grey Tom cat leave camp via the dirt place.
I whisper in leafpool ear, "what about the other two kits? HOLLYPAW and Lionpaw? How are they looking in the paws of Starclan."
A chill came down my spine at her reply, "I do not know, Starclan do not walk in theses cats paws. For the now their future is unknown to us."
I remember CInderpelt news all those moons ago. Darkness is coming to kill the stars. Is this the start of this coming darkness?

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