chapter four Sierrapaw Ebonypaw

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I'M SO happy to be part of the patrol to meet with the Shadow clan cats about the FoxPlan. I practically dance on my paws.
I snort before giving my chest fur a quick lick. We walk along till we reached the stream that feeds the lake.
I gaze at my reflection in the drinking stream.
I have short golden fur with black tipped ears, and black socks on my legs with a black tail, my eyes are a icy blue.
I wonder if I will see any cute toms.
Don't be a starry eyed she cat! She tells her self as she then takes a drink. Brackenfur comes up to her, "Let's go Sierrapaw,"
I turn, flicking my tail into the water, I love the water.
I happy flick my mentor with water. Brackenfur flattened his ears at his wet fur. He is so annoyed at me but it's fun! my laughter causing my clan mates to look back. I twitched my still soggy tail, so what? I can be happy even if others are a grouch. My purr of pleasure was cut short at the thought of Jaykit. I frown, how can a cat like him be a cranky old mouse all the time?! Like really would it kill him to laugh a little, he would be cute if was not so grumpy.
"Are we going to be Late?" The sound of Cloudtail's voice shook me from my thoughts.
I race past Brackenfur, skidding to a halt beside my great uncle.
He rolls his eyes," it's like I'm dealing with your mother, when she was your age! I thought Squirrelflight would never be a Warrior,"
I snort, I'm nothing like my mother, I stalk away from Cloudtail.
The undergrowth of Thunderclan turned into the dark shade of Shadowclan, I try to smooth my fur as the scents
Of SHAdowclan, washed over me. I close my eyes briefly. Brackenfur, Cloudtail, along with Cinderpelt, and RAINWHISKER , all sat on the border. Waiting for a patrol.

We waited till sunhigh, still no cats. Rainwhisker twitched his ear, "Maybe Tawnypelt is like her brother, a liar!" Hisses filled the air at his careless angry words. He stays defiant.
"I WOULD HAVE scented the air before making such a nasty comment! How Dare you compare me to my brother?"
TAWNYpelt growls as she stalks up to to the line. Her belly slightly bulged to one side. To much fresh kill?
Rainwhisker hissed , "why were you so late? Stuffing your face with our fresh kill your warriors bring!"
Tawnypelts fur rises on her spine, her eyes narrow into slits. Just then the rest of the Shadow clan patrol comes from behind. I scent Rowanclawx, Ratscar, and one Apprentice, Baypaw.

All these cats seemed to be a little angry, is it because of Rainwhisker ? I shake my head my gaze is drawn to Baypaw, she seems so nervous around us THunderclan cats. my chest puffs out with Pride, yes we thunderclan cats are the best! i think to my self.
You smug Thunderclan cat!
Sierrapaw jumped into the air with a yowl, earning herself odd looks from her clanmates as well as the Shadowclan cats.
She blushed, "a ant bit my pad," she brought her paw to her muzzle giving it a quick lick.
Baypaw was smirking at her, her tail curled over her back.
Was that you? Who spoke in My head?
Sierrapaw turned her attention back to her mentor. Turning her back on the strange cat.
This is odd! !! Why is this cat talking to me!!! It it even this Baypaw at all?
"We tried driving the foxes away before!! why will this time be different?," mewed Rainwhisker..
What is his problem? I think to myself.
It happened again!!! I get a reply in my head.
I think Rainwhisker has bees in his fur!
Sierrapaw, gritting her teeth, stalked forward, till her muzzle almost touched Baypaw.
"Leave me alone!" She hissed. Turning way she left Baypaw, to sit by her mentor.
"Sorry Sierrapaw, we are connected," then Baypaw returned her attention to the matter at paw. The foxes.
"So tonight is the half-moon, the medicine cats will ask starclan for favor in tonight's hunt. We need to find the leader of the Foxes. Then we will act from there,"
Tawnypelt, spoke swiftly.
"Agreed," rumbled Cinderpelt.
Tonight we act! I hope I get chosen for this!!!
You will, Sierrapaw! Baypaw purred.
Oh my starclan!! Get out of my head, Baypaw!! Also why are we connect?
The reply shook the young she cat to her core.
"Starclans PROPHECY,"

***Ebonypaw*** Riverclan**

The blue black Tom stalked the mouse into the reeds by the lake shore, his paw steps silent. This will be his third catch of the day. He hoped to make an impression on his Mentor.
The mouse strayed close to the water, the Tom readied himself to pounce, he sailed right over the mouse, turning on a hind paw, he twisted and smashed his forepaw on its head. It was dead.
He picked up the mouse, carring it, back to camp.
Already he had caught four pieces of prey, this would make five.
Yes he would get made a warrior soon.
Just then a weight crashes down onto his back! With a yowl Ebonypaw, reared trying to throw his attacker.
Ebonypaw, turned to face his attacker. His Silver eyes narrowed as he faced this cat
The cat that attacked him was another Tom. Black as night with flecks of white fur.
"Who are you?" Ebonypaw, growled.
The cat looked at him with narrowed eyes. "My name is Blizzardsong. I'm the first holder of the Water. Your the second. I'm here to teach you. Water is a powerful force when used right, but it can also kill you."

This is so odd!!! This cat thinks I can control an element? What A Mousebrain!
With a sigh Ebonypaw, sat down, with his tail wrapped around his paws.
"Don't play coy, Ebonypaw. You know you have it." Blizzardsong growled, his dark amber eyes gleaming.
Ebonypaw snorted. "Please I know how to control my power since I was walking out of the nursery." He said smugly.
"Your a cocky, kit,"
Ebonypaw, drew himself up tall. Happy to see he was larger then this other tom. "Yes I am!" With that cry he sent a small wave of water from his paws to send this cat away.
But to his suprize, his Wave was diverted away from this tom!
"You have much to learn before the Great Battle that is to come. But know this, your a cat also. Fight tooth and claw, your power is Last Resort. Search for others like you, then in four moons go to the mountains."
Ebonypaw, frowned, "You mean there are other like me? More water controllers?"
Blizzardssong smirked, his tail twitching, sending tiny drops of water into the ground, "Others that can control the other elements of nature needed to stall the coming darkness before blood rules the forest."
Ebonypaw was shocked!! He got told a prophecy! !!
You will see me again, bye"
Blizzardsong poofed disappearing in front of the tomcat.
Ebonypaw, sat dumfounded his jaw hanging open, then he came to himself. With a shake of his head he picked up his mouse. Stay calm.
He depots his catches in the prey pile.
"Good catch, Ebony paw." His mentor Rustfang a blood red Tom, came over to greet him.
Leopardstar wants us to go with Thunderclan and Shadow clan to night to drive the foxes away for good."
Happy for this honor, Ebonypaw dipped his head, "Yes sir,"
"Good now rest up we will be leaving at sunset,"
Rustfang walked away leaving Ebonypaw alone with his thoughts.
Starclan must have a great plan for me. I will find the Others. Maybe I can be a great hero like Firestar!

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