Unknown man...

Depuis le début

‘Holly Cr*p!’ Jay exclaimed in our mental conversation and I could feel a few people of mine staring at me with fear in their eyes.

“Didn’t your mom teach not to mess with a girl’s hair?” I chanted and immediately run towards him pushing the knife in his guts. He whined and spit out blood but despite his pain he managed to grab my hair and connected my face with his knee offering me a huge headache. Thankfully my nose was still in place but tomorrow I knew I’d be having a huge knob on my forehead.

The moment I found my balance I pulled another knife from the inner case of my boots and connected it with his heart. The vampire dropped down completely dead and bleeding from his stomach and chest. I placed my foot on his chest and held him down as I pulled the knife out of him.

‘This wasn’t a vampire.’ I chanted.

‘Human.’ Everyone whispered in the mental conversation.

‘Great!’ I entered Andrew’s mind and whimpered slightly knowing that only he could hear me.

‘Are you alright my love?’ he whispered in my head and I felt my body stiffen up when I noticed three humans approaching me.

I wanted to scream at them, yell, question them why they wasted their lives for Lilith’s sake but the only thing I could do and had to do was grab my guns from their cases and aim at them. I pulled the trigger and a bullet planted in one’s head while the other two tried to grab me but I managed to punch one in the face hearing the lovable cracking sound as his nose was broken and blood filled his face. The other human approached me again and when he was close enough I jumped forward grabbing his arm and placed the gun on his stomach.

“Bye.” I whispered and pulled the trigger. I heard a growling sound and turned around to face Jay in human form completely naked. He punched the man with the broken nose right on the face and the human whimpered in pain, more blood escaping his nostrils. I had the chance to put my guns in place and grabbed the set of my little swords that Andrew gifted me. The leather of the handle felt great in my palm as I held them tightly in my palms.

By the time I was done Jay ripped the head from the human with his human hands and threw it away.

“Burn him. He has been bitten and was starting to change.” He growled out and his wolf took his place. I nodded my head in agreement and set the body on fire without even staring at it.

“God d*mn it!” I cursed under my breath and with the swords in my hands I rushed my way towards a vampire that had climbed up Lucia’s back and was getting ready to bit her.

‘Jay do you mind taking care of your own girlfriend?’  Andrew grunted in the mental connection we had with the rest of the group. I pushed myself harder and when I reached Lucia I jumped on her back and knocked the vampire on the ground but before being able to kill him he jumped in the air with his fangs shining under the moonlight.

‘Aouch!’  I whimpered in my group’s minds as I felt the huge vampire land on me knocking my head and whole body on the ground. His mouth was so close to my neck that I could feel his cold breath caress it. Bringing my knee right between his legs I kicked him with all I had and pushed him off me glad that vampires did hurt down there.

He rolled on his back keeping his hands on that specific spot where I kicked him and I thought that this was my chance to finish him. I jumped on him and I brought both swords on his neck forming and X. Between the gap that the ends of them created I placed his neck and quickly pulled the swords unfolding the X. His head flew away and as I set his body on fire I felt someone gazing me.

Meeting with my darkest side...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant