Wendys flashback

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Ok so I decided to do a flashback so you could understand why she doesnt trust boys and what she meant on chapter 13 anyhoo lets continue

I remember...

That painful experience...

that heartbreaking flashback...

I can't believe I trusted him...

I thought we were happy together...

...Guess I was wrong.

It all happened 3 years ago, when I was 15 years old. I met this guy named Josh. He had black hair with beautiful green eyes.

Yes I know, you might have seen me as the sarcastic, rude, mean girl. But, I wasn't like that 3 years ago. I was like a angel. a sweet, kind, caring, and a forgiving kind of girl. Well...

That all changed...

Here is how it all began...


"How long?" I asked my boyfriend annoyed. We've been walking for about 30 minutes. "Just wait for a while" Josh replied and I frowned. "You were saying that for the past 30 minutes" I said still annoyed. "And you were complaining for about 30 minutes" He shot back and I glared at him.

"Whatever" was the last thing I said. Until he picked me up "Hey let me go!" I giggled and he smiled "not until you stop complaining. Deal?" He asked and I smiled back with a hint if pink on my cheeks. "Deal." He then put me down and he pushed me close to him so his hands could grab my waist. I was blushing a lot and I could tell he was no different.

5 minutes later

"We're here!" Josh said and he looked at me and nudge me with his shoulders, I fell asleep on his shoulders since he was taking forever. I woke up and found out that we were in front of a beautiful restaurant.

When I saw that place, stars were literally in my eyes. I then looked at him. he looked at me and nodded while I came in sorta running towards the restaurant until some hands stopped me. I looked up and saw Josh there nodding while giving me his cute smile and ran in there as if I was a child again.

But then stopped when I wondered. 'Did he planned this' I looked back and saw Josh there staring at me, not in a creepy way but I have always done this
to make sure he is sure.

I went inside the restaurant and immediately saw Josh behind me. "Hello and welcome, how many people are coming here?" The lady asked. "Uh just 2 people" I responded, the lady nodded. "Then follow me this way" Josh and I followed her

and what I noticed is that the lady was keep on looking at Josh and same thing with Josh, he was only looking at her.

Like she is the one for him...

"Hey babe you ok?" Josh asked, I snapped back to reality and saw everyone staring at me. "Uh y-yea I'm fine, just lost in my thoughts again" I said while giving him a reassuring smile. Then the people who were staring at me went back to eating or talking.

"Here is your table" The lady said and I nodded slowly and went to take my seat. I picked up the menu thingy (lol) and saw lots if delicious food. I took a glance a Josh and saw him looking at the menu. I smiled. 'I was worrying about nothing, Josh is not the type of person that would do that' I mentally thought.

"Ready to take your order?" The waiter asked. "Uh may I have spaghetti with a vanilla milkshake please?" I asked and the waiter nodded. "And you sir" He asked facing Josh.  "I will have also have a spaghetti but with water please" Josh said in his calm and relaxing voice.

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