July 30-31, Lake Quran

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July 30

We are actually stopping at Lake Quran. I have not been this happy in a while. I even have my swimsuit still! We rented a room and I have not been so excited to take a bath in so long. I feel like a caveman. I quickly jumped in the shower, getting rid of most of the dirt. Then I filled the tub with warm water and allowed myself to soak in it. I could actually see my real hair color, my skin, it was a wonderful feeling. I dried off and climbed out when I realized that I didn't have any clean clothes with me. My face beat red I slipped into my swimsuit and walked out the door. I could feel Scot's eyes raking up and down my body as I dried my hair off. My face was as red as a tomato I was sure, "I realized that the cleanest thing I had was this, while you jump in the shower I'll go ahead and get everything washed." He nodded and moved passed me quickly.

I used the coin-operated machines downstairs to wash our clothes, as soon as I had spare things I changed and brought everything up. Scott was wearing a towel waiting for me to come back. I handed him his close and snuck sidelong glances at him. I had felt his body through his shirt but that had not done it justice. He was by no means a body builder but he was lean cut and strong after months of surviving in this harsh land.

That night we were in separate beds for the first time in months. It was cold and lonely. I couldn't sleep. I could hear Scot tossing and turning. "Scot." "Yes, Clary?" He wasn't asleep either, "I can't sleep, can I come over there with you." I heard him roll over, "I would like that a lot." I crawled in next to him, he wrapped his arms around me, and we fell asleep.

July 31

Today was wonderful. This morning we woke up and just lay there enjoying the morning, enjoying that there was no rush to the day. Breakfast was brought to the room and we ate like kings. There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, and milk. I started stuffing my face as quickly as I could before I realized that this was a delicacy that needed to be savored. Once I slowed down I noticed that Scot had done the same thing. I love the camaraderie that is between us.

After breakfast, we decided that a swim was in order. We walked down to the gift shop and bought him a pair of swim trunks. We actually matched, it was pretty funny. We stayed on the lakeshore for hours. This time I remembered to wear sunscreen thankfully, no lobster skin for me! It's so easy to get lost in the moments with him. These are memories I don't ever want to forget. Laughing and splashing in the water, feeling the waves lap at our feet. We stayed there until sundown. Watching the colors spread across the sky, the oranges, pinks, and reds reflecting across the water. I could spend forever like this, just us.

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