November 11, Assigned

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November 11

It's been nearly four months since I was last sent on a mission and I'm chaffing at the restraint. I watched as Cupid's Arrows left and returned after successful missions and couldn't wait for my next assignment. I've decided to start keeping this journal. Arrow 258 said that it helped her keep track of everything as she was sent on more and more missions.

The intercom crackled, "Arrow 357 report for duty." I stumbled, moving so quickly that I tripped over myself. I nearly ran down the hallways, I watched the faces in the frames flashing by, only the most successful arrows were placed in those frames. I slowed to a respectful walk as I neared Cupid's office. I slipped in and came face to face with his secretary, she barely glanced up at me as she told me that he was waiting. My heart leaped into my throat, I had never gotten to go into the office, I was only ever given the assignment by the secretary. I knocked politely and from inside I heard a light tenor voice bid me enter.

Cupid was aging, his graying hair receding a little, he had also developed a paunch, but, he still controlled his arrows with an iron fist. The inside of his office had a mahogany desk and a window that was concealed by heavy curtains. The only chair in the room was the high backed chair he sat in. The walls were covered with books, geography, history, missions mostly successful, then the black book resting on its pedestal in the corner. I'd only ever heard of it, this was a record of the arrows who had failed, we were never told of what happened to them, or the consequences of their actions, only that it was earth shatteringly awful.

As an arrow we are trained to carefully control our emotions. Everything that we do when we step foot out of the compound has effects on the world. Everywhere we go the earth will bear our stories. The greatest of the arrow's it is said could lift land from underneath water to bridge the gaps between continents and change the very fabric of time. This is why we must always school ourselves against the ways of the world, so that the earth will not have to bear our scars. Oh course that is all a stupid bunch of propaganda from our teachers, it is to keep us safe though.

An arrow's job is simple - bring together the soul mates of the world, there's really only two rules, never reveal who you are, and above all things - Never fall in love with a mark. I heard cupid clear his throat and realized he had been trying to get my attention. "I'm sorry sir, " he cut me off, "Enough, Arrow 357 this will be the most difficult mission you have been on. If I had another more experienced arrow available I would have sent them, 258 says that you have been excelling in your training and without that recommendation I wouldn't be sending you. The details are in the report. Do not fail me." Cupid slid a manila envelope across the desk towards me. I picked it up and held it close to me, "Don't worry, I will not fail." Bowing I slipped out of the door, the secretary didn't even glance at me as I left.

Outside the office I sank against the wall. I could feel the gravity of the situation settling in. Most jobs were filtered through Cupid's secretary, only the history altering missions were handled through Cupid himself. These soul-mates were important, more important than any mission I've had and maybe more important than any I will ever receive again.

If I pulled this off right than I could get my picture on the wall. I, Arrow 357 could, No - Would, be listed as one of the greats. I clutched my orders tightly as I jogged back to my room. I packed quickly, only the essentials, and then as I sat on my bed I looked around. It wasn't out of love for my room, it was closet sized, just a bed, dresser, and small desk, but it was home.

Truthfully I was stalling, the reality was sinking in and I was a little frightened. I opening the top of the envelope and pulled out the orders. The top page showed a woman, she was beautiful. Blonde and blue eyed, nearly 5'9", an artist, she was an up and coming painter. She painted landscapes around her home in Arizona. The next page showed the man, he was striking with a strong jaw, green eyes and dark hair that hung down onto his forehead giving his eyes a slight shadow. He stood at nearly 6' and was a doctor. Then I saw why this would be so difficult. He was a doctor, who didn't stay home much, and was currently traveling the world, at the present he was in Africa, had been for a couple months helping those in need. Marks usually were close together, they gravitated towards each other over time and when/if we needed to intervene they usually weren't far. This would be one of the most difficult missions, it tied the record for the arrow with the longest shot. I had my work cut out for me.

Someone knocked on the door and I quickly placed the orders back in the envelope, one arrow was not permitted to see the orders of another. 258 stepped into my room, her eyes were grave, "I know that this mission will be difficult, I don't know how far the distance is but I know it's bad. Cupid asked me who to send, you are the sharpest arrow that I have trained, still this is a mission for someone older than you and better than me. Please be careful." I scoffed at her and gave her a smile, "Don't worry so much, I can do this!" The look in her eyes was so different, it was serious, it wasn't something I could identify. She looked like she was seeing something far away and then her eyes became watery. "258, are you ill?" She shook her head and the watery look went away. 258 came close to me, kissed my forehead and wrapped me in a hug, "Don't lose your way arrow, come back home, I can't lose another." Then she turned and left me completely shell shocked. Arrows didn't touch one another, it was forbidden. Still I couldn't bear to turn her in. It wasn't harmful, but the look in her eyes still haunts me now. I've never seen that emotion before... enough, I have an early start tomorrow.

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