February 6-13, Travel

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February 6

It has been almost two months since I have come to this village. I have learned about cooking and lots more about sustaining myself in this land, though I am still a complete disaster when it comes to weaving. The time has finally come. Tomorrow morning Nya and I will be setting off with Abiodan and Aba, they are brothers and two of the best warriors in the village. They will be traveling with us for as far as they can go. I was very excited by that news. Nya however, was not. I'm wondering if there is a gap in the translating. I don't see why them going as far as possible would be a problem. I suppose I will find out in time. For tonight, however, the village is throwing us a party, wishing us good luck, fortune, and safe travels.

I fell asleep after a full meal watching the dancers travel in front of flames that danced wildly with them. I will miss this place, greatly.

February 7

Today there were many tears. The families of Abiodan and Aba cried and said goodbye to their families. The children of the village cried and gave me hugs goodbye. I'll be honest, I cried, I may never see them again and that hurts my heart more than I wish to admit. After what seemed like a million hugs everyone followed us to the edge of the village where we traveled off on our own. The silence even though there was four of us was deafening, after living with the village for so long I don't think I could have handled this silence on my own. We walked many miles today, I was careful to try and map our position in my head so that I could trace our path on the map in my pack.

Nya taught me about the plants that we passed, the boys were constantly on alert. Nothing really bothered us though. We saw a herd of water buffalo in the distance, we gave them a wide berth not wanting to alarm them or catch the attention of any predators who were lurking about. Night came and it was a simple affair. Camp was set up quickly, the boys were taking turns keeping watch, I am very excited to be back on the road, though I also acknowledge that I am actually homesick, truly homesick, for the first time. Never before did I have a place that I would actually call home, the village has stolen my heart, the earth groans with me. I miss my friends and the home that I have made myself.

February 10

We continue to travel day after day. Yesterday we passed around another village. We did not dare enter though. These people were enemies of Chief Imbawa and his people. We skirted the village giving it a wide berth. After the last experience, I had with a somewhat hostile village I was very jumpy. Nervousness had taken over my body and I think it was noticeable. Nya had crept closer to me, we were keeping low to the ground and moving swiftly around the village, she reached out and held my hand. It was comforting, it warmed my heart a little, I still had friends, we would be okay.

February 13

I realized something today. In this great expanse, I have forgotten about tomorrow. February 14th, it is a grand holiday for Arrow's and I will be spending it alone. Well not truly alone, I have Nya, I have Abiodan and Aba, but they do not know of this holiday. Valentine's day is one of the most successful days for Arrow's, many soul mates find each other on their own on this day. It is a day of rest for Arrow's we get a huge meal and get to hear the grand stories from the most successful arrows. This was my favorite day at the academy I looked forward to it all year round. I will spend this holiday traveling, searching a giant land for a soul mate who doesn't seem to want to be found. Maybe I will find a special way to be able to spend it.

We were able to get around the village peacefully, avoiding the hunters and being undetected with only one scare. Nearly halfway around the perimeter, a group of men came out of the village circle with weapons drawn. The marched in our direction swiftly, Abiodan and Aba had drawn their spears, Nya and I lay as close to the earth as we could in the dense grasses that surrounded us. Luckily the seemed to be on a mission and were not looking around themselves as much as I would have expected. They passed us without noticing anything was amiss. If we had been a war party they would have been the first to fall. At dinner Abiodan and Aba hooted and hollered, very proud of themselves, they had come into their enemies territory, crossed their land, and done it all without being detected. It was a great accomplishment. We celebrated together. Nothing could destroy the happiness we felt tonight.

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