Life has its costs

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*I do not own the song is called: Digital Daggers - Still here. Play whenever. *

Life wasn't easy like everyone wants to say it is.

Like every story of a kid wishing on a star for a better life doesn't mean anything in the streets. People will fight for anything they can find on the dirty floor.

When I was little I lived in Chicago, The City that never sleeps. Where the city lights and blinded out the stars in the sky. Where parts of the city are monitored heavily while the other was in ruin with crime.  The nice part was called the East, where people try to make a living, while the West suffered. They didn't have any of the goods and opportunities as the East. It was the poor side of the city and lawmakers didn't want to even try to help the people.

I only remember a bit of my life when I was young. My parents didn't care about me, only using me for child support so they could buy alcohol or drugs.  My father was skinny with dark brown hair, always wearing red clothing. While my mother who my Father called is Dark Queen, would just look right past me for everything. They would leave me on street corners near the Eastside to beg for money. If I didn't get any money they would lock me outside with the rats. No matter how hard I cry or beg they just leave me out there.  Those nights I would hide behind the garbage, all curled up in a ball, crying.  Soon I stopped crying and started to look through the garbage for anything. One day when I was kicked out for only bring home two dollars I walked to this local tek story's back alley. This is where their trash was. Some times there was something good I could bring back to them. As I started to pull out heavy bags one ripped. Dumping everything back into the trash can.  I then found this little device that was covered in a sticky substance. What I didn't know was that it was a learning chip. I looked at the small box while trying to figure out what it was.  It had a small chip that looked rammed into the opening of the box. I was able to get my tiny fingers into the opening.  The small box then lit up like a match when lit. I dropped the box as it flickered. The light illuminated the dark alley, scaring the rats and bugs that covered the trash. I couldn't move as my body stood still. I then flashed a soft purple light.  A voice broke the silence. "Hello is anyone there" I still didn't move. "Where am I, TEV-220 is everything OK?" I sounded like a young woman. Then a small red dot appeared on the top of the box, it was moving around frantically. Until it stopped dead at me. "Hello, where is your parent's kid. Why are you out here." Her voice was soothing. I slowly walked over to her and picked her up. I soon figure out her owners threw her out for her stop working. I hid her from my parents by pitting her into my mouth into my shirt. I told her to stay quiet around them. She saw what my parents were really like. She taught me how to read and write. Her name was LC-239, but she liked being called Gale. She found out my name from my parents since they yelled all the time. She would call me G since instead of Gritt.

Soon things got worse one day they took me to a broken building that was on the other side of our block, Gale was hidden in my mouth. I remember hearing screaming and crying. The whole building was dark whit only a couple of windows lighting up the rooms. There were different types of people and robots chined together. She would silently whisper "Saying we should not be here." They had words scribbled all over their faces and body.  For some reason, I didn't think anything of it.

A man in a dark outfit approached my mother from out of the corner of my eye.  He was smiling down at me with this twisted grin, but that is all I could see since the man's face was covered.  He talked for my parents for a long time I picked up on many things.  I didn't understand words, but I could only figure out a couple. "....Race..?." "African A..!" "A.g.e" ".17."I stopped listening to them and listen to Gale. She kept going on that this is not good, that we needed to get out of here. Soon I was pulled from my spot by the man. He still had that smile that creeped me out. He then passed my mother some money, which she then smiled. I felt a sharp tug on my arm, I tried to pull back but the man grabbed my arms with one hand then punched me in the stomach. I tried my best to Keep Gale in my mouth. Luckily I was able to hold her in, but my whole body started to hurt from the impact.  He yelled and dragged me out of the building, throwing me into the trunk of his car. The trunk door went down with a slam, I pulled Gale out of my mouth. She was scared and told me that she recognized the voice of the Man.  We tried many different ways to get out but it was locked shut. I heard a voice so I turned and gestured to stay quiet. Then the car started to shake, then my body pushed to the side of the trunk.  Gale tried her best to say everything will be ok, we will escape. I wish I would have run away earlier. Then this wouldn't have happened.Gale told me stories of Hero's called Overwatch and how they saved people. That it didn't matter who they were or what they are. But that was never coming...

To be countiue............._______________________________________________________________________________

I hoped you guys really like this, I've been trying to write this out for a long time. I tried to put several backstories to "G". I hope this isn't too graphic. His story hasn't closed yet, let's say his little friend might help with his skills. Also if you have any questions I will try to answer them, also hate comments are allowed.

WW41 out~

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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This little light of mine (Genji x Tracer)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ