Time is slipping

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It has been two weeks and Lena hasn't been sent back into the slipstream, so the images in her head started to disappear very, very slowly. She was feeling better now, knowing she can see her teammates again without those images getting in a bloody way. She could look and talk with everyone from Overwatch instead of hiding from the world. It was if the building blocks of the world where rebuilding her life again. Her family or teammates were all ways there to keep her company when she was in the Medical Bay. She felt like it was almost over and soon, she will be back with her friends. Lena couldn't end wait for the day.

In Mercy's office

Mercy and Winston have been trying to get their machines to work for weeks now. Winston was having a much easier time then Mercy, as her's won't even turn on. Her design for the bracelets was very nice looking and any would say that her design looked the best, but sadly it was flawed at the start. It was too small to generate a strong power source to keep Lena in their physical plane. If made enlarger the bracelets system would override and meltdown. Mercy was at the point of giving up, her idea would never work unless she made the system smaller. While she was dealing with her problems Winston was trying to finish out the chest design, after the systems were working it should be ready for Lena to use. He was hoping it would work, but if it doesn't he will keep trying.

In the Medical Bay

Lena couldn't wait to talk to Genji in the morning. She wanted to tell him everything her teammates told her. All the jokes and much much more. With all the laughter aside Lena was getting a bit tired knowing Mercy and Winston are still up. Lena opened the Medical bay's doors to tell the two they should get some rest. It takes a bit of time until the two scientists finally gave in a left. So Lena clouded the door behind her as she heated to her fake makeshift bed. Which was just a couple of blankets stacked on top of each other? They were from Morrison and Gabe sense of the chose of patterns on all of them. Lena tried to tell them that she would just phase right through them, but they didn't listen. Lena walked over to the pile of blankets and went into the middle of them. She started to lay down while fazing threw them. She looked like she was becoming the blankets. After Lena was full on the ground she let her eyes close. It was going to be a great night for Lena, but only if she knew what was going to happen next.

Her eyes opened suddenly, Lena tried to look around but could only see nothing. She was back into the Slipstream, back into her nightmare. Then Lena's body fell to the floor, it felt as if someone had pushed down. As she hit the floor laughter could be heard echoing through the void. Lena tried to pick herself back up, but she couldn't move. "Looks like this worthless piece of shit isn't as strong as we all thought she was." The voice that echoed through the room. Lena tried to move her head but to no avail. " To think we all cared about you, but you were all our downfall." Lena tried to look where the voice was coming from. He was on her other side where she couldn't move her head. Then footsteps were heard heading towards Lena. When the person got in front of Lena, the shock was the only feeling she could feel.

Genji was right in front of her, but without his soft green light, it was replaced with a dark demonic red light. " You seemed shocked Lena." Genji's voice sounded like he was amused by Lena, but his voice was not the same. It sounded deeper and rough. Lena wished she could back away, but for still no reason she couldn't move. " You are the biggest mistake Overwatch ever made and to think a piece of shit like you liked me. It makes me want to die just thinking about it." Lena could feel her heart start to break, but she had to remember this was not real. It was all just a vision it was not real. " Oh, I am very real Lena." He tokes a step closer to her. Lena started to shake she was truly scared. " To think we used to be best friends, it makes me sick just thinking about it, but luckily your time is up for you Lena." Genji pulled out his sword saying his dragons name. The blade was a black with dark red glowing side. He started to run over to her. Lena tried to move to get out of his path. But her body won't move one bit. The sword slid down her back. The pain exploded a crossed Lena's back. She screamed as the blade went across again going deeper. The pain, the pain. "Please... STOP!" Was the only words that Lena could say as the blade slit her arm. Lena's cries echoed through the room. "HELP" She screamed, a giggle could be heard coming from Shadow. "No one is here to save you, Lena, you are going to die." Her tears were mixing with her blood that was coming from her arm, but the pain was making her want to die. Lena begged for him to stop but he wasn't going to let that happen. He was among for her neck next. Lena closed knowing it was the end. Everything slowed down, all the memories of her teammates no her family came to her mind. Then the voice from this demonic Genji saying how much he wanted to see her suffer came into her mind. Lena tried to remember her Genji and how he would never say these things to her. Her mind went blank as she was still trying to struggle to move to just move. Even if the pain was going through her body. Even with time stopped this Genji was one foot from her, so she accepted her fate and closed her eyes for the last time "Genji I love you"


Hello everyone well I hoped you liked this chapter. I know it is short but sadly I need to make shorter chapters. It just helps me manage my time a bit better. I will still try to make a bigger chapter, but right now no way. Sorry, this chapter wasn't out last week had way too much to do in school. Also, I didn't look over this one so sorry.

WW41 out~

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