Great Writers and Friends

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Thank you guys! Play song!!!!!!

These two had made my thrill to write the greatest experience of my wattpad life! They both supported me threw! I really consider these two to be my best friends on wattpad!

A great friend to always talk about Overwatch with. Joins streams to watch my friends and me be stupid. He is always there to help me out!!

A Preston that gave me this idea to finally show off how great these writes are.

Phoenix is a person that has let me talk with when things weren't going well. He has always let me talk about some things bugging me!

They are guys that help make the Lost Shimada! They have all have helped me in their own ways! One joined me in skype and helped with all the misspellings and grammar issues. The others reinsured me that everything will be ok!

One of my followers that was fun to talk to and gave me such great ideas for chapters! They never gave up hope with me.

These two have such great art and the have been cracking down on thiefs and bullies of wattpad. I will always respect these guys for their work

I loved reading these guys books, so I really wanted to give them a shout out!!

Overwatchforlyfe has always told me if the music for each chapter has been working. They were always had strong answers and I always wished I could be as brave as them! 

A great friend to play a great game of Overwatch and to 1v1!

They are to nice for this world! They are literally the nicest writer I have ever met.

These three have been helping out so many other writer that I had to up them up! Everywhere I look I see their names being mentioned in great story's

Also thank all of you guys!!! Please check out these amazing people! Support them in their works or story's!!!!!

-------------------------------------------------------Also thank all of you guys!!! Please check out these amazing people! Support them in their works or story's!!!!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The next chapter will go to "This little light of mine." Also what should the next book be called for this? It's up to you guys

This little light of mine (Genji x Tracer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن