Ana ch. 29

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Memories always reappear as time passes, some are the about my husband and my daughter. Then there are ones from the war with its destruction and death. These memories play out like a movie in my head, it all starts when I was a girl. My Family was in the Egyptian military, so they weren't home. Life was hard, but nothing stopped me from passing thru life. During this time robots who were called Omnics were raising up. They had become self-aware, and they were tired of being mistreated. I still didn't think of it very much since I was only a youngling. One time my father would take me out to the gun range, he never said why. I had to guess things at work were stressing him out. My Father was a pretty tall man, he wore a vest wherever he went. The vest was colored white with slight bits of orange on his arms and legs. He wore a white headdress that covered him from the sun. Father also had a black beard and he was the color of the sky when it kissed the sand. He was very struck always trusted the law. He never showed fear of the enemy, he protected his team. He was their eagle eye, they say he had a gift. This gift was great and shooting down enemies, but he suffered from PTSD. The gun range was in an abandoned part of our town usually it was empty on some rare occasions there would be military personnel firing off new weapons, but it was rare.

On the first day when my father took me to the range, he had a case in his left hand. The case was silver with scratches and black splotches all over the front and sides of the case. The was an Egyptian flag on the right side with the words " رتبة عسكرية " (Military Grade). The range was an open area with cement blocks stacked up on top of each other with made half of a triangle. There were shillings from different guns littering the sands. A Bulletin board hanging from a broken down old table. One of the papers read, "يقتصر على مجموعة السبعة بندقية في اغلاق بسبب نقص المال!" (Restricted The Seven gun range in shutting down due to lack of money.) The other papers were either worn or faded from exposure. "آنا" (Ana) I turned towards my father to see him opening up the case. His hand pulled back the clamps on the case, as it opened two objects lay inside the case. One was small, looked handheld while the other was big and larger than my arms. Both had some scratches on them, knowing my father they were guns from his job. He picked up the small one, it was the color of silver with a black like leather on its handle. It had an engraving on in the leather that read "العدالة تمطر من فوق." ( Justice rains from above). He placed the gun on the table and picked up one of the papers that were laying on its frame. He then walked over to a wooden post that was a couple of feet from the cement bricks. I looked back at the guns, The larger one in the case caught my eye the most. It had a long barrel with a heavy type of stock at the back. It had a large scope. "آنا" I looked back to see that my father was now in front of me with the handheld gun in his hands. I looked back up at his face only to see a soften lock, his eyes looked distressed. " ابنتي ، واحدة من هذه الأيام سوف تتحول الأمور وسأترك لك. سوف أضربك لحماية شعبك عندما لا يستطيع الآخرون ذلك." (My daughter, one of these days things will turn and I will leave you. I am going to train you to protect your people when others can't.). With that he leads me over to the cement bricks, he held my hand with care. He then put the gun in my hand, then wrapping his hands around mine. "الآن التركيز" (Now focus). He told me, so I copied. Then I followed his hand movements with leading me to the trigger of the gun. As time slowed I squeezed the trigger, after that day my father made me train until I didn't need his help to hold the pistol. He then said when I get older that the gun, in this case, will be mine.

Time flew by, soon my father had to leave home. I have grown so much that I headed to the range by myself. Before I knew it my father had passed died from a gunshot to the head, leaving mother and me alone. It took weeks and months for the grieving to stop, it took my mother longer. One day she came to my room with that same silver case, it was time for me to take on the mantle. I practice night and day in the firing range with his sniper rifle. Soon I was recommissioned back. Rising tides with the omnic have escalated to its highest.

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