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The link to the video is - https://youtu.be/Mte1MZpF5Ig
———————(Lena's Dream)———————

     -(Lena's POV)-

As my eyes closed, something changed. The warmth from Genji's hand started to fade. I felt cold and there was a sort of a pain in my chest. Sounds echoed around me, there was yelling and gunfire. I opened my eyes, I felt like I was in a daze. My whole felt like jello, if I was pushed I would fall over. I looked around, all I could see was fire, agents fighting over agents, and rubble everywhere. I saw the Overwatch flag on the ground torn to shreds. WHAT IS GOING ON! My mind started to race, I ducked down to a spot to shield myself from the gunfire. With my back against the wall, all I could think about was, why are Overwatch agents fighting other agents. Are we under attack? I stood up to get a better view of the fight.

      Something stood out, there was two shadows fighting each other in the middle of the room. One had a heavy duty rife the other had a bulky shotguns. Bullets wizzed by my head as I watched the two. I didn't want to move, I couldn't move. I felt as if I was frozen solid. A pair of big fuzzy hands pulled me away. Then the whole world started to shack, then black. It was if the void had consumed the entire room. The cold started to invade my body. Sharp rubble pierced threw my skin. I could feel my mind slipping. "Wait please not like this, not yet." Was all I could muster.

                       "Hero's Never Die"

(Inside the hub of the Carrier Ship)
-Lena's POV-

Lena stirred her self awake, beads of sweat sprinkled down her head. She was breathing very heavily. She started to look frantically around the room. It took her time to realize it was all just a dream.After she started to calm down Lena noticed she was resting on something metallic. She slowly turned her head to the metallic object, only to redden up to see the faded lights from her crush/ friend, Genji. Who was still sleeping at this moment. Lena's face started to heat up uncontrollably. For a second she tried to get up and move the bean bag away, but something was holding her back from doing it. She looked to see what it was and surprise, surprise, it was Genji. His right arm was hocked around her side. There was no way she could break out of his grip without waking him.

This meant that she will have to enjoy herself. He was warm even with the metal that covers his body. Lena could feel her self start to fall back asleep. She didn't fight it, she knew that Genji would always be there no matter what. As she fell under the sleep spell, one thing was still on her mind. What was that dream she just had? Why did it feel so real? What was that light?

Hoped you all like this chapter. I my start writing up to 500 words now. I helps me make more to write in the future and make you guys hate me! 😈😈😈. But I want to get this off my chest, ever since I posted Secret Meeting on this Fanfic. Other writers from the Genji x tracer side started to post again. Now I don't know if I helped in that or not, but if I did tell me.

Know make sure you guess what is going to happen next, because who know there might be a twist. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Hope you guys have a great day/night!
WW41 out~


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