The Enemy within

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(play music also think of a Mountainy area)

Before the mission with Tracer and Genji...........

There was a mission for blackwatch, a retrieval mission whom Gabriel Reyes was leading.      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------







The most beloved person you know can be turned in to the most deadliest thing to your heart......



The skies were clear when we left the base, Gabe was acting very different. It was put-en me on edge, he has been acting different ever since he got a call from some government agency. I didn't pay much attention to it, but for some reason in my gut I feel like I should have listen in on it. Stop it Mccree!he is your boss, your buddy, your d....I quickly tried to turn my thoughts back on the mission at hand instead of thinking what is up with Gabe. The mission was to retrieve a person from some group called Talon, I really wasn't told much about who the person is and Gabe wont tell me ether. Something was really off about this mission, but I can't put my finger on it. I should just let it pass, this was a dirty mission anyway. Then only send us in if normal overwatch agents can't.

I looked out the windows into the brisk dark sky, it was the witching hour. There were no starts in the sky, not a single bit of light in the darken abyss. I was told when I was young that sins were made on starless nights. That the damed would rise and shoot the innocent. Then the intercom came up with the pilot saying  that we were on top of the Talon base. The back of the spy plane opened up, then I was passed a winged-pack. We could only use these things to glide down undetected from enemy radar they can also slowly drift straight down if necessary. They had small thrusters with medium light weight wings that when activated pop up at the back of the user. You were also given a black front cone shaped helmet it was meant for fast gliding down purposes. They are pretty hard to use and if not used carefully can lead to injury. I have only use them about three times in training with Gabe and fell on my ass on twice, the third time I was a it close on falling over. The other problem with these wing-packs is you can only use them to fly down, so its not like a jet-pack in a way.

I looked up at Gabe waiting to see if there was anything else he wanted to tell us. "Kill everyone in the base, leave no prioress. We need only a woman named Amélie Lacroix.." Right when that name left his mouth everything slowed down like an old western movie where the bad guy points his gun at the hero. I held my breath,  I knew something was not right about this mission. There was one question on my mind now, why are we saving her. Why isn't Overwatch doing this mission it just doesn't make any sense. 

Next thing I know is blackwatch agents are jumping out of the plane. I look over at Gabe, he was staring right back at me. It made me wounder whats really going on, he had a look like had all the lintel on these people without even tell anyone. Then the pilot chimed in saying  "A6 drop zone" echoed from the speakers, guess-en its my stop. I slowly got out of my seat and headed towards the end of the plane. My legs felt like jelly as I reach the hatch. I have jumped out of many plans when I joined Blackwatch, but I felt sick to my core that I didn't jump at the right time. Aw hell.. Was the last thing I could think of as I jumped out of the plane. I had to put a hand on top of my hat so it wouldn't fly off.

This little light of mine (Genji x Tracer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu