Ev'ry where I go, I'm going to let you shine

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The Medical bay was quite not a sound was heard, well not there at least. In the other room frustrated mutters, crippling papers, and squeaking noises from the chalkboard were heard. The noise from the other room broke the quietness in the medical bay. The sounds echoed in Lena's head like a bell. Lena's head was started to sound like a drum. Lena wished the that this room was sound proof.

It has been 30 minutes at the sounds from the other room have not died down either have Lena's headache. "Try to sound them out Lena, clear your mind" Lena tried to clear her mind, but failing because of the pain. It helped a bit Genji was here to comfort her. It made her heart flutter when she looked at him. Lena knew she was his first best friend in Overwatch. But she always had this feeling when he was there. It made her feel like she could do anything in the world. Lena knew that Genji probably has a feeling for Mercy since she saved him and all. Mercy gets him more then Lena could ever know. This made Lena's heart hurt, but she knew that she doesn't have a chance with him. He probably thinks she's like a younger sister. Even if she would try it could break their bond. She would never let that happen even if it killed her.

Then for some reason, the pounding in her head made her think of the visions from the slipstream. It started to increase and so did the memories. Oh, how Lena wished she had some of her special tea to get rid of this headache. It kept getting worse for some weird reason, the pain was getting unbearable. Lena tried to think of something instead of the noise or the visions.

She thought about her family, she knew soon everyone in Overwatch would be coming down this afternoon to see her. She couldn't wait to see her teammates again, but inside of her deep down she didn't want to get close to them. She saw how they all got here, what caused them to be cracked or broken like a mirror. The pain they suffered, the tears they shed, and their screams.

     As the sounds from the other room increased so did Lena's headache, for some reason the sounds stopped all was quiet. Lena was blacking out from the pain. She could barely even move, her eyes started to fade out. Light murmuring could be heard from the other room. Then the door opens very slowly like in one of those horror movies. Lena tried paying attention to the figure but her eyes gave away to the pain and the darkness. The pain had consumed her like a snake. To Lena, the headache had made her fall into a slipstream. The memories from the slipstream started to appear, but they all were different. Everyone's faces were bloody and filled with tears, they started yelling. Their eyes filling with blood as their screams increased. She was starting to shake she could feel her body go numb. They were pulling her down into the dark void. Her teammates were calling for her to help them to save them. They started to say it was all her fault that she wasn't there to save them. They sounded like they were being murdered. As their screams of pain were echoing the void. Lena didn't want this, she didn't want to see her family like this. " Please no...please no" She begged as the figures got closer. Then it felt like the floor from the void disappeared. Lena started to fall more into the darkness as the nightmare followed. When she hit the new darkened floor the figures faces of her teammates started to rip apart. They all started to circle her like vultures over a dead animal. They then started to scream bloody murder. Lena put her hand over her ears and crunched down. She started to scream trying to block them out, but it was no use.

They were getting slowly getting closer to her with their arms stretched out. They started to repeat what they did earlier, but their bodies were now bloody shadows with darkened eyes. Calling out for help and yelling in pain, but Lena wanted to run as the figures got closer to her. It was as if the dark smoke had taken control of her. Its dark claws slicing through her like a knife. It was like all hope for Lena was lost, it just kept getting darker and darker. As the figure's arms wrapped all around her, it was suffocating her.

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