Chapter 4

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As Darbie and Bumblebee go out for a drive things start to get crazy at the base
Will P.O.V
Where the hell is Darbie! I can't find her anywhere! 
Will: Has anybody seen Darbie?!?!?
I shouted so everyone can hear me I seen Ironhide lookin for someone too
Will:Ironhide who are you looking for?
Ironhide:Bee! I can't find him anywhere!!!
Then I heard James yelling at everybody...
James P.O.V
Where is my cousin and bee? They were just here and now they are gone!!!
What are Will and Ironhide doing?
I see them looking all over the place??
James:WHAT?!?! ARE YALL DOING!?!?!
I yelled at them making sure I got everybody's attention
Will:Looking for your cousin
Ironhide:Looking for Bee
Wait?!?! Bee is a Camaro and Darbie LOVES THOSE CARS!!!
James:Get a tracker on bee!
Optimus P.O.V
As I was thinking about the war I heard so much commotion
Where's Darbie? Where's Bee? Get a tracking device on bee!
Bee and Darbie are missing!?
Optimus:James...what's going on
As I walked toward them
James:Well it looks like your scout and my cousin went out for a drive
Will:And!!! You know damn well that bee doesn't need to bring her out there!! Especially if she's get spotted by a decepticon!
Will is right! What if Megatron spots her!! He would take her away from me!!!
Then I heard Bumblebees engine...
Darbie gets out of Bee!!! Oh no! Bee your gonna get it!
As he looks over making sure she isn't hurt
Darbie:James quit being overprotective...and me and bee just went out for a drive...since he's a Camaro and you know I love those cars!
When Darbie said she "Loves" those cars that made my jealousy rise even higher!
Ironhide:BEE! You could've gotten her spotted by the decepticons! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING BEE!!
Optimus:Exactly what I wanna know Bee..
I said that with anger in my tone
Everybody froze...which Darbie got scared because she hid behind James
Bee:I would've protected her Optimus...I will not let anything happen to her!
Ratchet:Bumblebee come..we must talk..Optimus you go check with James to see how he's doing
I nodded and went to go talk to James but the thing is Darbie was smiling at me..her smile is worth millions of stars!
James:If bumblebee wanted to take her out then he needs to ask..INSTEAD OF WORRYING ME TO DEATH!
Will:James...calm do realize who your talking to right?
I was staring at Darbie the whole time...not paying any attention to James or Will...
Optimus:Alright now...Darbie..would you like to come and talk to me?
She looked confused but she knew what I mean so I can get her out of this conversation...
Darbie P.O.V I get yelled at which I'm totally used to it but Optimus got me out of that which I was so happy..
Darbie:Thank you so much Optimus!
Optimus:Your welcome Darbie...
He looked so serious
Optimus:So you and bee...have fun?
What?!?! What does he think we did!!
Darbie:Optimus! I don't like bee if you were asking...but the ride was fun!
His eyes widened but then he smiled..
Optimus:Darbie...I'm sorry I did not mean it like that...
I laughed and told him it's okay then I seen Ratchet talking to Bee about something...
Ratchet P.O.V
I got on bee's tailpipe! I told him that Darbie life is in Danger and he could've gotten her killed! I also told him to not get attached to her..but then he said something that gotten my attention real quick..
Bee:I'm not gonna let Optimus have her! She is mine and only mine! She has my spark already! And I'm not gonna let the leader of the autobots crush it!
I froze and I have nothing to say...but Bumblebee looks back
Bee:If you don't believe me Ratchet...look where's he at right now! He's talking to my girl and I'm not gonna let him take her away from me!
I see Optimus talking to her and he's smiling at her too!!
As soon I went to say something Bee was gone...
Bumblebee P.O.V
I'm not gonna let Optimus take her...she is mine and only mine..I don't care that he's my leader or not! Darbie is my angel not his!
I heard the sirens go off in the base to tell us that there's a decepticon out and I really wanna kick some decepticon asses right now so let's go have some fun!

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