Chapter 30

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The week was long, painful and so stressful. Nationals couldn't come any faster and I'm so excited. I could barely sleep last night. Nick has been so supportive the whole week and I don't think I could have done it without his support. All the boys are joining us at the Nationals and I'm so nervous.

"Liv. Breath." Jess reminds me. I nod as we all walk into the gymnasium and there are a lot of people there. We have to win this, it's so important for us. I can't help but feel overwhelmed and a little bit scared. I really don't want to disappoint the girls, but we got this.

"I'm fine thanks, girls... we really need to try our best and just have fun, that's the main reason we doing it." I honestly suck at pep talks. I look at Elaina and she knows.

"I got this." she starts with her pep talks. My phone rings.

"Hi, Nick?" I walk outside into the sunlight as he told me too and I'm just searching for him.

"Hey sexy," he whispers in my ear and he catches me off guard.

"Hey yourself." I smile as he makes a 360 around me with a smirk on his face.

"Your skirt is a bit short hey." he winks and then looks at me.

"Oh really?" I roll my eyes looking at my skirt. I look up at him and he laughs.

"No, I'm just joking. You look perfect. The skirt should be a bit shorter." He says as he makes another 360 around me.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll like that. Be careful someone might see you." I smirk and then he rolls his eyes.

"Nah." he winks back and then leans into my ear.

"You're still going to lose." His minty breath reaches my nose and I bite my lip again.

"See you're already biting your lip. You'll make it more obvious." He whispers in my ear. I smile.

"Good luck and don't fall Liv." He whispers again. I wink and turn around and move to the gym. He's totally checking me out. I meet up with the girls and I see him joining the boys on the bleachers. I see Aiden walking in holding another girls hand, wow I haven't actually seen him in ages or thought about him. Shrugging it off, the girls and I do some stretches.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first performance will start in 10 minutes. Please be ready Wildcats." I breathe out a sigh of relief and I am so happy it's not us yet. We continue with stretches.

"First place in the top 50... it's huge. And I honestly hope we will be the winners today. We have to make it girls." I firmly say. We watch everyone's routines and this day is dragging. The schools are great and everyone is battling it out for that number one sport but we're competitive.

"Well done Lions. Last up Everstones Beavers." I stand there amped up and to do this. Our song starts playing and we all run out. I see Nick on the bleachers cheering loudly and it makes me so happy. We start our cheer and the crowd is loving it. The crowd is loud and no one messes up (which I'm so thankful for). Jess, Elaina and I end of the competition with a seemingly sleek and perfect pyramid. Thank goodness I didn't fall. The music stops and everyone is cheering wildly. We run offstage and the boys make their way over too us. Aiden follows them.

"Well done girls." Dylan grabs Elaina and kisses her, Collin does the same to Jess. I smile at them and as I turn around I see Nick slowly making his way to us.

"Congrats ladies." He smirks. He's looking mighty fine in that tight white t-shirt of his. I check him out as he makes his way to us and I just wink at him. The girls thank him and I just stare at him.

"So sexy," he whispers in my ear and I bite my lip. He's the sexy one. I stand there frozen for a second.

"Girls I'm going to the bathroom," I say it quite loudly so that Nick can catch the hint. I walk out and not far away Nick follows me. I wait behind a pillar where there's hardly any people and I grab his shirt and I pull him right into me.

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