Chapter 12

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I am stuck. Every inch of my body is in pain and I can't breathe. I try to move my toes but it's useless, every bone in my body feels shattered and my head is pounding. I battle to open my eyes and as I lie there a gentle touch brushes my hand and a familiar soft voice whispers in my ear.

"Wake up. Just please wake up." The voice trembles and I can hear sobs. I slowly open my eyes and I manage to get one word out.

"Mom?" A whisper leaves my mouth. I'm in so much pain, I adjust my head and there she is. Tears are rolling down her face and she wipes a strand of hair off my forehead.

"You're awake. Don't move, you hurt your neck, Olivia." She mumbles as she cries and I briefly stare at her, I am so confused.

"What... what happened?" She dries her tears.

"You were in a car accident." She bowed over me and more tears form in her eyes. My head throbs and I doze off again.

I gain consciousness again and I'm still in pain.

"What should we tell her?" another familiar voice meets my ears and I battle to see whose voice it is. I squint my eyes, hoping the blur will disappear.

"Tell me what?" I shift and instantaneously I yelp. The two bodies rush towards me and as my face lifts, it's Dylan and Elaina. She looks at me and she's been crying her eyes out.

"Don't move, Liv." Dylan grabs my hand and whispers.

"Tell me what?" I repeat. They glare at each other and Dylan gives Elaina a nod.

"Get some more rest, we'll talk later." she holds onto my hand and let's go.

"What happened, Elaina?" I ask her with a grouchy throat and a desperate tone.

"The only thing I remember is Aiden walking with blood over his white shirt?" She looks at me and her face becomes serious.

"Well you guys were at Col- " her story gets cut off by a doctor appearing by my bed and my mom follows him in, she's wearing her white coat as well, I watch them and Elaina quickly keeps quiet.

"Hey, Olivia. You're awake." He has a deep voice. I gaze up at him and my mom looks concerned.

"You're at Miami private hospital, the one your mom works for. I'm Dr. Patterson." I stare at him and I freeze, I know that last name.

"Aren't you Collin- " he interrupts me with a nod and beams.

"Yes, I'm Collin and Aiden's father." He looks at me and studies my chart again, I glare at my mom, again at Elaina, and Dylan walks out.

"He's going to run a few basic tests, but you need to try to get up." My mom's voice echoes in the room. I give her a nod and she presses the button that lifts the top of the bed up and as my torso moves, more aches and pains rush through my body. I study my body and I have a drip in my one arm and sticker things on the other. I look at my surroundings and I have a private room (perks of being a doctor's child), with a couch, a drawer, and to my side with a few cards, flowers, and teddy bears on it.

"Okay, first things first, try to lift your arms." Dr. Patterson orders me and touches my arm. I manage to lift it and I feel so weak and pathetic. I then had to move my legs and then my head. My head felt worse, but I managed.

"Okay, you're doing great. Now lift your back and move your body so that your legs hang over the bed." He helps me up and my mom does too. I'm so sore, I'm weak and I'm in lots of pain. As I get up, my head is fuzzy, but I look straight ahead, and I sit.

"Okay, good. Now you must stand and take a few steps. We can't help you with this, but we'll be behind you in case you fall." He gives me a warm smile, I take a deep breath in and my toes reach the icy floor, I put my full weight on my legs, and I manage.

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