Chapter 4

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"Wake up!" I jolt awake, startled by the tremendous noise. No, I can't handle that screeching sound. Sleep is what I need right now. Clutching tightly onto my pillow and shutting my eyes, I groan at whoever is disturbing my slumber.

"Maybe a bucket of icy water will give her a wake-up call. What do you think, Dylan?" My eyes shoot open, and I hide even further in my blankets. Of course, it's Nick again, inviting himself over.

"Go away! Nick, what are you doing here? A lady needs her privacy." I'm positive he didn't hear me because he starts snickering. I turn around to stare at both him and Dylan, both holding a bucket, with sneaky grins on their faces.

"Don't do it, Rhodes." I try to hide my face and my body under the blankets, but they don't care. The next thing I know, I'm soaked in freezing water, and everything is wet.

"Oops," Both Nick and Dylan burst out howling, and Elaina stands there in disbelief.

"I will kill you guys." As I get out of my bed drenched, with my wet hair covering my face, they both start running, and Elaina closes the door behind her, saying nothing. I walk to the bathroom, unimpressed but thankful for my amazing shower that will help me recover.

I choose to wear skinny jeans, a red tank top, and my black and white Nikes (going old school today). I put on eyeliner, straighten my hair, and head downstairs. Everyone's sitting at the breakfast table, chatting and laughing about what just happened. When I take a seat, everyone laughs except Nick, who looks at me and winks.

"Are you people ready to leave?" Everybody gets up, takes their backpacks, and heads off to school (only 3 hours of school and then freedom). Except for Nick, who stands at the door. I glance at him as I take my laptop and walk towards him.

"Those jeans look good on you, Liv." He murmurs in my ear from behind and opens the door for me. I blush and mouth a thank you. He's checking me out, and I'm flattered. I'll admit, I'm not used to him complimenting me, but it feels strange, yet good. Elaina hitches a ride with me while the guys leave with Dylan. We sit in awkwardness for a moment until she turns around and stares at me with a straight face.

"So, you and Nick?" I glare at the steering wheel and start smiling at the thought of us dating, and the compliment he gave me this morning pops back into my head.

"Well... um..." being interrupted by the school bell, I hurry out as quickly as I can, grabbing my laptop and books and rushing away. Thank goodness. Elaina and I go to our three classes, and as the end-of-day bell rings, we head to the car and rush home. As we stop, the boys rush into Jay's house (I swear it was a competition for them). We pack our bags in, and I'm so excited. This holiday will be so much fun! The five of us stand by the cars for a minute, and Dylan and Elaina say their goodbyes (which means making out in front of everyone). Nick, Jay, and myself stare at them and roll our eyes. Jay hugs me, and his unshaved beard feels rough against my neck.

"Have an enjoyable trip. Don't miss us too much." He brushes his fingers through his blonde hair and gets into the red Jeep. I glance at Nick, and he doesn't look up from the ground, distracted by a stone. I spin around to the driver's side of my car, and when I open my door, his warm hand touches mine. As I turn around, I drop the keys on the floor, and immediately I kneel. He does too, and we bump heads. Both of us get up, our eyes lock, and I forget the headache as he hugs me, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Have a wonderful trip. Don't run into any trouble." He responds with a grin on his face, and he winks at me.

"Thanks, and you too. Don't kiss too many girls. Oh, and please be wise and condomise." I wink at him as I slide into the car. I roll my window down, and he leans in with a smirk on his face, wiggling his eyebrows and opening his mouth as if shocked.

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