Chapter 5

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Lake Lusaka, a picturesque setting where the beauty of nature and modern amenities collide. As you drive past the wooden sign, a serene canopy of oak trees envelops you on either side of the road, creating a sense of enchantment. Upon reaching the gate, a vast open field welcomes you, adorned with lush, green trees and playful wildlife. The lake stretches out magnificently, adorned with elegant houses on its shores, accompanied by gracefully gliding yachts. A grand country club proudly divides the two sides of the lake, offering an impressive array of recreational facilities— an 18-hole golf course, tennis courts, gym, restaurants, and charming boutiques. The entire place exudes an aura of cleanliness and impeccable maintenance.

Elaina's voice breaks the awe-filled silence, "Are you ready?"

A grin of excitement spreads across my face, and I reply, "I am." The anticipation bubbles within us as we turn onto the road leading to our house. However, upon arrival, our curiosity is piqued when we spot a car parked in the driveway. Our puzzlement quickly dissipates when we realize it's my mom's car. A sigh of relief escapes me.

"Maybe she's here for a reason," I speculate, shrugging off the initial surprise. Our house, a white, open-plan abode with spacious windows and five bedrooms, stands before us. The most captivating feature, the wooden deck outside, holds a special place in my heart, reminiscent of my dad's attempts to fix it, which were never successful. With bated breath, I enter the house, and what I witness leaves me astounded. My mom has renovated the place, transforming it into a mesmerizing space that blends modern elegance with a comforting sense of home. Surprisingly, she kept the paintings my dad chose, a thoughtful gesture that warms my heart.

"Hey, darling. How was your drive?" Her warm smile envelops us in a familiar embrace.

"I guess it was fine... um, mom? Why are you here?" Confusion fills my voice as I question her unexpected presence.

"Don't worry, dear. I just came to see if the house is still standing and bought some essential items. They postponed my surgery. Oh, there's a surprise." She smirks playfully, leaving us both intrigued.

"I will leave now; I need to drive home." She hurriedly bids us goodbye, seemingly unaware of our response.

"Bye!" we call out in unison, uncertain if she heard us. With my home now transformed, I proudly give Elaina a tour, eventually pointing out her designated room.

"I wonder what the surprise is?" Elaina muses as she steps outside onto the inviting wooden deck. Her voice beckons me, and I join her outside. There, before us, sit three jet skis and one ski boat, floating gracefully on the water by the port.

"Oh, my goodness!" I'm left momentarily speechless.

"Your mom is so awesome!" Elaina's excitement bursts forth as she jumps up and down. My mom truly knows how to spoil us. The day embraces us with a pleasant climate, neither freezing nor hot. Eager to explore more, Elaina and I venture to the front of the house to park our car in the garage and unload our belongings. As I open the garage, another surprise awaits— a two-door silver Jeep! Overwhelmed with joy, I rush to the driver's seat, only to find an envelope resting there, containing my dad's unmistakable handwriting. The words "My Dearest Family" on the front fill me with mixed emotions. Though I yearn to open it immediately, I know it's a moment meant to be shared with my mom and Elaina.

"Are you okay?" Elaina's arms encircle me in a comforting hug.

"I'm fine. Let's finish unloading and get settled." My voice carries a blend of emotions as I try to compose myself. With our belongings stowed away, we change into swimsuits and shorts, then head to the club— a place my family frequented due to my dad's love for golf and my mom's passion for tennis. The membership cards grant us entry, but unfortunately, a few intoxicated men greet us with a wolf whistle as we pass by. Elaina and I exchange looks of disdain before proceeding to the grocery store. Unfortunately, I stumble on a stair, bruising my elbow in the process, but we manage to laugh it off.

"Are you okay, Liv?" Elaina's tone betrays a mix of amusement and concern.

"I'm fine. It's not the first time this has happened." I chuckle, shaking off any embarrassment. Inside the shop, we unexpectedly encounter Collin once again, this time alone. He playfully peeks around the shelf, and we meet his gaze, exchanging grins.

"Hey ladies, you found your way here! Where are you staying?" His smirk hints at his flirtatious nature.

"We live on the left side of the lake at 22 Lane, and you?" We both raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his response.

"What a coincidence. I live at 22 Lane on the right side of the lake."

"Are you serious?" Sarcasm laces my words.

"Yes. We should have a barbecue sometime?" He suggests, his smile inviting.

"Sure, why not? It could be fun." I glance at Elaina, who seems engrossed in their conversation. Though I'm not entirely thrilled by her flirting while dating my brother, I hold my tongue, acknowledging her choice.

Collin bids us farewell, and once he's out of earshot, I raise an eyebrow at Elaina, "What happened to a girls-only trip, Elaina?"

She avoids eye contact, "Liv, I'm sorry. He just seems so nice."

I nod, deciding to let it go for now, "Let's focus on getting groceries for the house." Once back home, we unpack the groceries and head to the lake's edge, sipping on smoothies as we soak in the tranquility.

"Let's swim?" Elaina suggests, lifting her sunglasses and turning up the music.

"Brilliant idea!" We make our way to the port and dive into the refreshing water together. Playful laughter fills the air as we enjoy ourselves.

"Elaina, do you want to try out the jet skis?" I call out, hoping she can hear me over the splashing sounds.

Her response echoes across the water, "Let's do this. Remember how we declared that we will try new things? Well, now is the time." She tosses one key to me, and we set off on the jet skis, creating unforgettable memories under the sun. Yet, despite the fun, a shadow of worry lingers in my mind. The boys haven't responded to our messages, and I can't help but be concerned. Elaina and I decide to call them to check on their well-being. The call connects, but before I can even express my concerns, the sound of a stuttering, rough voice on the other end fills my ears.


My heart races with anger and confusion as that was not Nick's voice, and I pull the phone away from my ear, my fingers gripping it tightly. "Hello?" I shout into the phone. An immediate surge of anger washes over me, and I can't help but yell into the phone.

"Nick? What's happening? We have been worried sick about you!" I barely get the words out before he switches the phone off in my ear. The audacity of his actions stuns me, leaving me fuming with rage.

"What the hell?" I stare at my phone, my anger boiling over. Elaina stares at me without saying a word. His immature and thoughtless behavior has always been a thorn in our friendship, it's as if he hasn't changed one bit. The phone in my hand becomes a symbol of his irresponsibility, and without a second thought, I throw it into the lake, watching it sink beneath the water's surface.

"Oops," I mutter, feeling a mixture of relief and satisfaction. It might seem extreme, but I can't bear the thought of his carelessness dampening our vacation. This is our time to enjoy, not to be bogged down by his immaturity.

With my decision made, I walk back to the house, trying to push away the lingering irritation that Nick's behavior has brought. It's only 6 p.m., but I feel drained, both physically and emotionally. Elaina and I make chicken salad for dinner, sharing a quiet meal before we retreat to our rooms to watch a movie. She did not even bother asking about my phone, and why I dropped it into the lake. I think somehow she knew.

"Dylan texted me and said they are fine," Elaina shares.

"Thank you," I reply, my eyes already heavy with exhaustion. Tomorrow promises to be an exciting day, and I need all the rest I can get. But even as sleep claims me, a part of me still grapples with the anger I felt earlier, unable to shake off the feeling that Nick's immaturity might cast a shadow over our vacation.

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