Chapter 28

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"Nick." I manage to say as I grasp for air.

"Hmm?" He says as he trails kisses down my neck. He's got me pinned up against the girls' change room wall and he is seriously turning me on.

"We umm-" He continues kissing my neck and I lose my train of thought. He's so good, so sexy and so good at turning me on. We continue kissing and we're so in sync with each other it's crazy. He's beyond good looking and his leather jacket just does it for me. We continue making out and he pushes his body even more into mine. Walls, neck kissing, and ass grabbing? He knows me so well.

"We're going to um, we're going to get caught." I manage to say and he just smirks at me.

"5 more minutes." He kisses again and I roll my eyes. He's so good looking I cannot even resist saying no. We make out for a few minutes longer and it just feels like we're in our little world.

"Uhm." Mr. Lennon our Principle clears his throat and I just close my eyes. Now we're in trouble.

"Shit," Nick whispers as he turns around and he tries to hide me behind him. I look at the floor. Kill me now.

"Hi, Sir. A beautiful day isn't it?" Nick says and I can't help but smile.

"Very beautiful. You and Olivia have detention. Go to class please." He says and my eyes widen. Detention? I've never had detention in my life.

"Sir. It's my fault not Olivia's Sir." He begins to explain and I move next to Him.

"Besides sir, she's cheerleading captain I'm sure you'd want her to make the school proud?" He says and he just looks at Mr. Lennon with a smirk on his face.

"Fine. Last warning both of you." He says and he points at us both and walks away.

"Well, that's embarrassing." I burst out laughing and Nick does too.

"See this could work. I can use you as being cheer captain to get out of detention." He says as we make our way back to the school building. As we walk in the bell rings for lunch and everyone makes their way into the school hall. We walk separate ways. We both agreed to keep our relationship on the low down until we figure out what we're going to do, no one knows we're hooking up and I've been so tempted to tell Elaina but I can't tell her something that doesn't exist. He winks at me and goes to his locker and I make my way to the cafeteria.

"Liv." Jess waves at me as I walk towards her.

"Cheerleading World Champs? When are they?" she asks as I sit down.

"Three weeks from now," I say and she thanks me.

"Where's Nick?" Elaina asks as she sits down and I just shrug.

"Got no idea." I smile at her as I look down at my bottle of water. He eventually walks in with Dylan and they're both talking about the cheerleading competition.

"Want to have games night tomorrow guys?' I ask and Nick looks at me.

"Ah yes, I feel like we should." Jay looks at me and I just stare at him.

"I'm in!" Jess interrupts.

"Nick?." I look at Nick and then I look down. He stares at me and just nods.

"No. No problem." He says. We have a stare off and my gaze turns to the door where He's is also looking at. Aiden walks in and gives me a stare. He looks at Nick and then back at me and then he sits with the football boys. I think some people are tiptoeing around him since the thing with Nick, but that too shall pass. The bell rings and I head off to my locker to fetch my math books.

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