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The dance floor was lively with people in the early 20's and late 50's dancing and drinking. There was smoke filling the air from all the expensive cigarettes being used, but that didn't bother me. Almost all jobs had one person smoking somewhere. It was all the people smiling and dancing with their partners. 

For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about me and Tae on the dance floor with his hands on my waist and my arms around his neck dancing the night away. Deep down I know I still love him, but I'm sure he doesn't want to see my face, not after leaving as I did. 

How can I ever face them again? I just need to hope that I never run into them again. 

I leaned again the thick column that stood beside the dance floor letting heavy sighs escape my lips as I thought about what could've been. I let my eyes close, taking in a deep breath the calm myself down. 

A soft tap brought my attention around. 

"Excuse me, but may I have this dance?"

His voice was deep and smooth, matching the figure in front of me. His suit perfectly tailored to fit his nicely toned arms and body in general. He had soft brown hair with bangs that looked effortlessly perfect. His outfit had small accessories of GUCCI here and there, reminding me of someone who I don't want to think of.

Maybe a dance would help me clear my mind?

WAIT! I'm on a mission I can't get distracted now.

"Sorry, I'm waiting on my friends right now," I answered with a sheepish smile, trying to sell my story.

"Please, just one dance. I'm sure that your friends wouldn't mind." He persisted sounding genuine.

His brown chocolate eyes peered into mine drawing me in like a black hole. Why am I finding so hard to reject him?

"I-I..." Before I could say anything else he pulled me onto the dance floor and placed his hands on my waist. It was strange how I felt so comfortable in his hold, I must have known him from somewhere.

Then it all began to fall into place as I slowly Waltzed around the dance floor.


My eyes widened and I felt panic. If he was here then the others must be here too. I needed to find Jinsoo or Jennie or someone. 

He must've noticed what I was thinking and his grip tightened holding me firmly in place. 

"(y/n), stop running away."

"N-no, I have to go. Let me go, Tae." My words came out as more of a plead than a demand, but his grip didn't loosen, not one bit.

"(y/n), stop...please...please stop running away from me." He whispered in my ear, leaning his head against my shoulder.

My heart panged at his soft beg. I stopped pushing against him and just stayed still as my hear began to beat ten times faster. 

Then I heard the words that made my world freeze.

"I love you."

I was speechless hearing the words I thought were lost in the sands of time. After everything I've done, he can still love me.

"(y/n)..." He whispered softly, letting his breath brush against my ear. "...Do you still love me?"

The question hung in the air as I tried to bring myself back together, but my time to answer had passed. I was silent for too long. He lifted his head back up and stared deeply into my gaze. I parted my lips to speak, but they were quickly shut by his.

I was shocked, to say the least, but I slowly melted into the desperate kiss that he had placed on my lips. It was so full of need and passion. He pulled me into him and held me like I would disappear the second he let go. I felt needed, I felt wanted, I felt like I did all those years ago. Before I knew it tears fell from my eyes. I had missed this feeling for so long, I was starving myself from what I needed most. I was blind by this anger and hatred I dragged with me for all these years. 

When I'm with him like this it's as if those feelings never existed. I wish I could've stayed with his longer like this, just us, where the rest of the world didn't matter because we were together.

His gentle lips drew back and my heavy lids slowly opened. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

"I love you too...but I can't." I felt my heavy emotions return.

"Why not?" He looked so crushed and desperate, it made my heart go weak.

"I hurt you...I hurt them...me...I'm just a burden..." I let my gaze drop to the floor as I thought about their broken faces when I left them.

"(y/n), You're the best thing to ever happen to us. There is no way that leaving us would make us feel any better. You're our family and we love you no matter what. Some more than other *cough* me *cough*" He said trying to make me smile. Which worked like it always does.

I rested my head against his chest listening to his steady heartbeat as I released all the tension I'd been holding. He was right, I was all in my head. I smiled feeling safe and light as if all the pains of the past were lifted off of me.


"I guess the plan worked." Lisa smiled as she thought aloud.

They all were standing beside the snack table watching the reunited couple lovingly sway back and forth on the dance floor.

"It sure did. I'm glad she's finally able to smile like that again." Jennie added.

"But, Jinsoo. How did you know that Tae would be here?" Rose questioned, causing all the other girls to look at her with questioning stares.

"Oh, just a friend..." She states as she turns off her phone screen with contact of Kookie. "Why don't we go dance as well. I mean our mission is already accomplished."

The girls cheered rushing onto the dance floor to join in on the fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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