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Taehyung's POV

I held on tightly to my foot as crimson blood began to seep out my shoe. I cursed under my breath trying to steady my heart.

"Taehyung. Taehyung! TAEHYUNG HURRY UP AND FUCKING ANSWER!!" Yoongi's loud annoying voice made me go deaf.

"...Yes, hyung?"

"Finally, where the hell are you? The cops are almost here and Jungkook won't answer."

"Hyung, she shot me in the foot...I don't think I can walk,"

"Fuck, what happened? I'm sending Namjoon and Hoseok to get you, just hold on," With that, the earpiece went quiet.

I rested against the wall thinking about what the fuck just happened. The love of my life was still alive and she shot me in the foot after I kissed her. She looked so disgusted and angry, but I couldn't but notice her sad expression after I had apologized.  'What the hell did I do?'

I sighed pulling my arm over my face and frowning at the memory of her face after I had kissed her. "She even wiped her lips," I mumbled sadly.

"Who did?" a voice questioned from beside me.

"AH, J-hope you scared me, asshole." I held my heart while releasing a deep breath.

"Suga said you're hurt, but the only thing hurt now is my feelings." He pouted.

"Ugh, just shut up and help me,"

He lifted my arm over his shoulder to keep me stable as we walked towards our exit.

"Where's Namjoon? Suga said he sent both of you."

"Oh, sorry that I'm not enough."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know. I'm just messing with you. Namjoon and I found Jungkookie knocked out on the ground, so he's taking him to the car." J-hope explained as we exit the back of the storage facility.

Jin helped me get into the van before starting to fix up my foot. He held my foot up and removed my shoe and sock gently. I leaned back, feeling the sting of disinfectant over my wound. I tried to distract my self by looking around the van when I spotted Jungkook laying on the floor.

"Woah! Wtf happened to you? You never get shot." Namjoon asked surprised.

"I froze..." I answered with a deep sigh.

"I told you not to," Yoongi added before starting up the van and driving back to base. "But what I really want to know is WHO shot you."

"Yeah who shot you?" Jimin asked from the passenger's seat.

Everyone's attention was placed on me, even Jungkook had taken off his bunny mask and gave me his attention. I was probably best to just tell them straight away, so with one breath, I told the truth.

"(Y/n), she shot me."

The van went into complete silence and Jin dropped the bandages mouth agape. The only sound heard for a solid 10 seconds was the steady hum of the van as they all were presumably remembering the day we found (y/n)'s blood at the exit of our mission. We swept the area not once, not twice, not three times, but 5 times and each time we came empty-handed. There wasn't a trace of her, only the blood splat on the floor of the exit hall.

"Don't lie to us hyung. (y/n)'s dead," Jungkook spoke sadly, finally breaking the silence but not helping the mood.

I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen her. Plus, he didn't take it too well after she 'died'. (y/n) was his mentor, they trained together and built a sibling relationship with one another. He was devastated, not like we all weren't, but he had one of the worse reactions. He'd cry at night till he passed out and he'd stop eating which left him in no condition to complete missions.

"If she was alive why didn't she come back to us?!" Jungkook spat harshly. "She abandoned us! She knew where we'd be! Yet she left us!! She left me..." He whispered the last part shedding a tear.

I agreed with Jungkook 'If she knew where we were why didn't she come back?'

"I-i don't know Jungkook, but I know that she's still alive," I answered confidently while staring at my bandaged foot.

"I believe you Tae," Jimin spoke. "I know you loved her and still love her. You wouldn't lie about something like this, so I'll trust you."

"Thanks, Jimin."

(y/n)'s POV

"c'mon (Y/n) you can't pout about your vehicle for forever," Jennie said while knocking on my door.

"She's a motorcycle not some vehicle and her name is BABY!" I yelled from under my blanket, scrolling through pictures of me and baby in the garage.

"I want her back!!" I exclaimed throwing my phone and ducking under my sheets.

With a loud bang, my door came busting open with an unamused Rose. "If you want your bike back so bad let's go check if it's still there, but if it's not you have to stop your silly whining."

"DEAL!" I answered feeling joy explode within me as I threw off the cover and ran to the garage.

"We're taking the regular car I don't want us looking suspicious," Rose said pointing to our silver Toyota with darkly tinted windows.

I hopped in and buckled up anxious to see my Baby again. 

"Let's go Let's go Let's gooooo." 

"Okay, hold your horses." She giggled as we began to head towards the storage facility.

When we got there we were both surprised that it looked the same as when we left it and no cops had come yet. I didn't care much about it though, so I bolted towards where I had parked Baby.

"Man, this city's law enforcement sucks," Rose stated, kicking around a few pebbles littered around the place as she followed me.

I turned the corner with a glowing smile only to have my hopes and spirit crushed by the emptiness of the area.

"NOOOOO!!!! She's not here!" I cried falling to my knees as Rose rolled her eyes.

"Well, if the cops don't have it then who does?" Rose mumbled while kneeling next to me, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

BTS HEAD QUARTER'S (Namjoon's house)

"I can't wait to fix this puppy up." he grinned rubbing his hands together.


Hey, my beloved readers.

Please comment or tell me when if ou find any grammatical errors or typos. I'll be sure to fix it when I get the chance.

Love you <3

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