62: A Matter of the Heart - Lindir

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PROMPT: can you maybe do one where the reader and Lindir are in love with each other but they both don't think the other would return their feelings. Before Lindir confesses his feelings, the reader gets a spell cast on them or something in that manner, and Lindir is the only one that can break it?

A/N: i am so sorry for not doing anything since like what july? i was in my school's marching band and i'm taking ap classes and ooof, i've been really busy. but now i'm on thanksgiving break so i'll try to get some fics done. also i forgot who requested this. its been a long time and i have like 30+ requests. and oh this fic was so fun to write. its long but so worth it! major angst to major fluff is always a good time.


TRANSLATIONS: mellon - friend

WARNINGS: the reader comes close to death, angst!

WORDS: 3000+ (but worth it i promise)

The forest glowed with golden afternoon sunlight and it hummed with the chirps of birds and the rippling of the streams and rivers and even the roar of the waterfall in the distance. Wildflowers covered the ground, their sweet scent rising into the air as if preening themselves at the gentle caress of the sun's kind rays.

And while the sun called the beauty of the forest to life in its finals hours, Lindir meandered about the fields and trees, collecting floral specimens of mellow creams, brilliant whites, and beautiful yellows and assembled them into a beautiful bouquet. His eyes scanned the fields of flowers, comparing each and every bloom to the image of an elleth in his head. The elleth who's beautiful E/C eyes shone brightly whenever he was around, who's mellifluous laughter he had memorized, and whose heart and soul was filled with a kindness that made even the most bitter elves melt. And while he knew no flower would ever match the beauty of her soft curves or her H/C hair, it was impossible not to want to give her strictly the most beautiful flowers he could find, even if they only held a fraction of her elegance. Because today was special to him, and he wanted to make it special to her too. He was going to ask her to be his.

Years had gone by and where Lindir and Y/N had been the best of friends and so many years had passed where Lindir's feelings developed into more than friendship. They developed into love.

Years had gone by where Lindir had loved Y/N with all of his heart and longed to give her everything. To give her the world. Every day, he'd try to show her his feelings with his kindness and care, and the occasional flower or book he thought she might enjoy. But she only ever took it as friendly favors, as if they didn't have a deeper, more intimate meaning.

For years Lindir had thought Y/N would never return his feelings, but he was tired of waiting around for something to happen between the two of them. With much-needed help from Lord Elrond, Lindir had finally gathered the courage to ask Y/N about her feelings towards him, and if she would allow herself to be loved by him. In other words, Lindir was finally asking Y/N for a date.

It was only until the sun began to sink behind the mountains that Lindir decided he had arranged the flowers into a perfect and beautiful balance worthy of his love. And so, with the golden rays intensifying with the sun's last grandeur, he made his way back to the creamy domes and walkways of Imladris. A nervousness built in his lungs, making his breaths shaky, and butterflies took flight in his stomach. But no matter what, Lindir would not lose his nerve. If it was not him who asked Y/N for her hand, then it would surely be some other ellon and Lindir would spend the rest of his life in regret and sadness. Y/N was his world, he was not going to let it slip from his grasp.

Lindir stopped in front of the door he knew to be Y/N's and knocked, preparing himself for complete euphoria or humiliation. No answer came from behind the dark oak door, and so Lindir knocked again, an uncomfortable pit growing in his heart. Still no answer.

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