53: Come Back to me Darling - Thranduil

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Based on the imagine from : Imagine being Thranduil's wife and the look of heartbreak in his eyes when you wake up from a coma and have no recollection of your life with him. From imaginexhobbit on tumblr

A/N: Hello, people! Thank you so much for putting up with my unannounced and unexpected hiatus. School's been pretty stressful and I haven't had the motivation to write, but now I think I'm back on my bullshit, and fics should be coming out asap. Requests are open once again so please, if you have an idea, please drop it in my inbox!

Abbreviations: E/C: eye color, H/C: hair color.

Translations: guren vell: my sweetheart, meluis: lovely one, melethron nin: my love of my life

Warnings: Comas, no recollection of memory, sad Thranduil

Word Count: ~4000

Weeks had passed since Thranduil had seen the happiness that shimmered in her E/C eyes, heard the sweet twinkling of her laughter as it graced his ears and felt the warmth of her embrace. All had been cold since the attack, since they had taken her consciousness-and therefore from not only her but both of them. His heart ached and mourned the events every moment and it yearned and begged for the day those wonderful eyes would reopen again... for the day Y/N would wake up.

The healers in the infirmary had said that Y/N, Thranduil's queen and precious lover, might have forgotten everything that had ever happened in her long life up until the attack, and that knowledge had torn at his heart night after night in which sleep could and would not come to him. Everything they had worked for, everything they had built up... gone in a fleeting instant...

The healers said that talking to her while she slept in her cold, lifeless hibernation might help her regain some of the memories, and so, Thranduil would always leave his chambers early in the morning, before his duties were scheduled to begin, and would leave his throne early as well, all to visit his beloved Y/N's sleeping form. Each morning and each night, he would softly talk to her, spilling the deepest thoughts and feelings of his soul to her in hopes that the love and passion might awake her once more. But it never worked. Each morning and night he would enter the infirmary chambers in which she slept with a glimmer of newfound hope, that today would be the day she would awake. But each and every day and night, the results would always be the same... his beautiful, precious love would remain hindered deep within a slumber she took within the clammy, frozen palm of death itself.

Tonight was no different, or so Thranduil thought as he entered the infirmary, and crossed the large room to the corner in which the small bed laid. The nurses who weren't tending to patients immediately left, flying like innocent white doves on the flapping folds of their stark white healer's robes.
Every day she gets better, Thranduil thought, noticing the stronger pigment that had settled in Y/N's skin, but still, she never wakes.

"Oh, Y/N," Thranduil's deep, melodious voice sighed, pure heartbreak in his eyes as his elegant, nimble fingers brushed her soft cheek, a small strand of H/C hair cascading down the slope of her petite jawline as a result, "why can't you wake up? Why can't you come back to me? Oh, Y/N... come back to me, my darling."

Thranduil's fingers tangled with the ones on Y/N's limp hands absentmindedly as his other hand smoothed over her hair that he had carefully washed with the help of a healer only yesterday. Although she was close to death, Y/N's hair was still as soft and beautiful as the day Thranduil had met her... the day oh so long ago that she had captured his heart.

"Darling, please," Thranduil cooed weakly, tears welling in his eyes as he continued. "I don't know if I can keep doing this. I can't keep waking to find our bed empty and cold. I can't keep dealing with these imbeciles without knowing the comfort of your sweet arms is waiting for me. I can't keep living my life that I wanted to spend with you without you. Love, oh sweet darling love...come back to me."

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