55: You Haven't Lost Me - Lindir

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Based on the request from tumblr: Can you do something with Lindir with the prompts, "You haven't lost me." and "you look like you could use a hug."

A/N: Hope this wasn't too bad. I hope you enjoy! Happy new year! I hope all of you have a wonderful 2018. And also, thank you all so much. You've given me a ton of requests and you all support my writing with so much enthusiasm and kindness so thank you. And thank you as well for almost 100k reads and almost 4k votes! 

Translations: guren vell: my sweetheart, meluis: lovely one, meleth nin: my love.

Warnings: Nightmares

Words: ~1100

Anger contorted his face and his gaze was filled with hatred as his usually warm eyes met mine. But now, they were void of the sweet warmth I was used to. Now, they were filled with boiling acrimony.

"Lindir, my love, what's wrong?" I asked, concern filling my voice as I rushed to his side, hands reaching for his in order to calm him.

My fingertips brushed his delicately for only a mere moment, but in that singular moment, the touch evoked a burning sensation so intense that I couldn't help but pull my hands from him immediately.

"You can't even stand to touch me, can you?" Lindir inquired, his voice filled with seething rage. "You hate me that much that you can't even touch me!?"

His voice had raised to a dull yell by now and it had begun to scare me. Lindir, my sweet Lindir, would never yell. His heart was too pure and his soul to kind. He would never raise his voice, and especially not at me, his wife.

But raise his voice did as he continued on his angry, uncharacteristic verbal rampage.

"Well, you know what, Y/N?" He screamed, his mouth eliciting my name as if he were spitting poison. "I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

"Lindir, no," I tried to say, reaching for him again, "I could never hate you. Lindir, I love you!"

But as my hands grazed his skin again, the burning sensation returned and again, my hands recoiled quickly.

"Lies!" Lindir screamed, pushing me to ground in front of him, his hands burning me with a fire hotter than any before, tears collecting in my eyes as a result. "You hate me! You can't even touch me! And on top of that, you lie!"

His voice reached an even higher volume, causing the tears in my eyes to fall in burning torrents.

"You lie! You lie! You lie!" Lindir screamed.

I buried my face in my arms as I sobbed, Lindir's voice echoing "you lied, you lied, you lied," in my head, each phrase pounding a stake of misery in my mind.






My eyes snapped open, and I gasped, the cool summer night's air filling my lungs as it drifted in through the window in the far end of the room. The sheet's hugged my form loosely and my pillow beneath my head was soaked with my tears.

Lindir's hands tightly grasped my arms as he had tried to shake me gently awake. His touch no longer burned. His face was no longer contorted with rage, but rather he's feature were drawn together in a nervous frown.

It was just a dream...

"Y/N, are you okay?" Lindir murmured worriedly, his brown hair falling softly over his shoulder as he propped himself up on his elbow, his eyes worriedly searching my face for any sign of an answer. "Y/N, please tell me. I need to know you're okay, love."

The endearment brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't help but sob again and shrink into myself, my arms curling around my sides as if it would protect me. My shoulders shook violently and were only steadied as Lindir's arms enveloped me softly. His hand buried itself in my hair, tenderly stroking the tousled strands from root to ends in the way he knew I liked.

"Shh, darling," he cooed, pressing kiss after kiss to my forehead in an attempt to soothe my sniffles and cries. "It's okay, guren vell. Whatever it was it can't hurt you now."

"I-I know," I stuttered in between sniffs as I clung to him like an elfling to its mother.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, his sweet voice warming my heart as it spoke words of his care. He pulled me from his chest to look into my eyes, a curled finger brushing softly over my cheek, his thumb delicately wiping away my tears. "If you don't, that's okay too."

"N-no, it's okay. I do want to talk about it," I murmured. "Well, you were angry and I d-didn't know why, and w-when I tried to comfort you, I couldn't touch you without burning myself. And you kept telling me you hated me and-and-"

My tears were enough to choke me up once again, and another sob wracked my body as I couldn't help but hide in Lindir's pale, bare chest once again.

"Oh, meluis," he sighed, kissing the top of my head over and over again, "you haven't lost my love. You haven't lost me. And never in a thousand millennia could I ever hate you. I married you out of pure love, after all. See?"

A soft finger curled beneath my chin, lifting it so my gaze was matching his before taking the same hand and showing me the golden band that glistened softly in the dim moonlight that filtered through the windows.

And then, in the following moments, his soft lips were pressed to mine in a way so sweet that I couldn't help but cry. But this time, they were tears of happiness rather than of fear. For in that moment, I couldn't have felt more safe or more loved in the arms of my husband, in the arms of my sweet Lindir. For I was home and the one I loved did not hate me, but rather loved me with the entirety of his being and more. And I loved him just as much, for he was everything to me as I was to him.

"Hmm," Lindir sighed happily as his lips formed a smile against mine, "I love kissing you."

"I know," I smiled, tears still spilling down my cheeks.

"You look like you could use another hug," he cooed, wiping my wet cheeks once again.

"Love, I promise these tears are ones of euphoria, not fear," I mumbled happily, "but I'll take that hug anyway."

"I knew you would."

And with that, Lindir's arms wrapped around my form tenderly and pulled me on top of him his lips crashing into mine like waves upon a shore over and over in a sweet rhythm. Our laughs echoed through the midnight air, warming us from head to toe, from heart to soul.

"There's that lovely laugh," Lindir cooed, resting his forehead against mine, our noses rubbing gently together as the result of the intimate contact. "Now, go back to bed, meleth nin. I'll protect you from your terrors, I promise."

"I know you will, love," I mumbled, my eyes already growing heavy with drowsiness as the soft warmth of Lindir seeped in and blended with my own as we fell into a lovely dreamland, beneath the dark, moonlight-painted skies above.

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