27: The Purest of Love - Thranduil

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Based off these headcanons: Thranduil and you having matching outfits + Watching the stars together whenever you have the chance + Playing with Thranduil's hands because they are so elegant and slender, but strong nonetheless (headcanons not mine, they belong to the respectful owner)

A/N: Agh, my dearest Thranduil was actually happy in this one, yay! *cries in the corner happily while feels devour my soul*

Translations: Tolo ar nin: Come with me, A'maelamin: my beloved, belegon nin: my mighty one, meleth e-guilen: love of my life.

Abbreviations: S/T: Skin Tone, H/C: Hair color

Warnings: None

Words: 1300

A pair of slender, able arms encircled my waist as I adjusted the circlet of crimson flora that wreathed my head, now resting seamlessly atop my brow. The soft pressure of tender, suckling lips against the S/T skin of my neck elicited a satisfied hum from my chest as my husband's platinum tendrils tumbled like water over my shoulder, contrasting elegantly with the corresponding paraphernalia that hung proudly from both Thranduil and I's frames. The embroidery of aegean vines against the sterling silks blended together to seem as if Thranduil and I's bodies had been joined, accompanying our already bonded minds and hearts.

"Y/N," Thranduil murmured, voice ever so velvety as his lips brushed the sensitive skin of my ear delicately. "You did not tell me you were one of the Valar."

"Thranduil," I scoffed, playfully swatting his shoulder, while rose petals stained my cheeks and pointed ears that Thranduil had previously been caressing. "What are you playing at?"

"Sincerely, Y/N, your beauty is surpassing that of the Valar, therefore any elf with half a brain would assume you to be one of them," Thranduil hummed, deep voice rumbling in his chest. "Perhaps you are Nienna's dear sister. The euphoria to counter her melancholy sobs."

"Well, you better keep those lovely lips of yours shut. Else wise, every ellon and elleth would know my secret," I lamented, deciding to play along with his antics. "Then where would we be? Our personal time is already cut too terribly short. Wouldn't you agree, A'maelamin?" With a soft smirk, I turned Thranduil's head ever so gently as to allow me access to his touch, lips fondling his lovingly while delicate fingers played along the length of chiseled bone that lay beneath the blemishless skin of my husband's cheek.

"Oh, my lovely wife, you are so right." Thranduil sighed, hands grasping for mine while he still hugged my waist. "But truly, you do look stunning and your beautiful heart could never know the immense joy you bear me."

"Yes, I will never know such lengths of your happiness, because, in truth, that happiness is mirrored. You, a'maelamin, bear me just as much bliss and amorous devotion as I do you," I mused, tucking a strand of escaping platinum behind Thranduil's flushed, pointed ear, admiring the look of pride and lust that resided behind the glacial, placid irises that were my husband's. "Now, shall we make our way to the gardens? I'm afraid, as much as I adore your words, that one more comment and we might never leave that bed, let alone our chambers."

A deep, throaty chuckle echoed throughout the room as Thranduil allowed a rare but genuine smile grace his features, my heart swelling at seeing my usually serious husband so delirious with mirth.

"Right again, my beautiful one," Thranduil murmured, a sweet smile spread across his lips, slender fingers entwining with my own as I led him to the large oak door.

"Tolo ar nin," I murmured lovingly.

As we made our way to the gardens, I subconsciously ran my thumb over the cool metal and cerulean stones that rested a top the soft warm skin. I admired Thranduil's digits for their long slenderness and absolute handsomeness, especially when they clutched at the arm rests of his intricately detailed throne or curled around his long wooden staff that seemed to reward him with an aura that dripped with power and authority. But that ethereal power was never negatively directed at me, but instead they always fondled my curves and prominent bones with the tenderest kindness.

My kindly powerful king, I mused. How I love you so.

Once outside, I admired the pearly moon and the light the milky stars projected upon the early evening dew that resided upon petals and leaves and the soft grass that tickled my heels as I brushed past.

"It is a truly beautiful night, is it not?" I sighed blithely.

"Not as beautiful as you, my dearest," Thranduil cooed, fingers fondling a lock of silken H/C hair that hung in abundance about my shoulders.

Soon, our leisurely stroll led us to a small clearing surrounded by ash trees, flowers and grasses seeming to cushion us as we laid in the middle of the said clearing and gazed up at the stars, Thranduil's arm holding me close as I kissed his neck lovingly and stroked his elegant fingers that lay waiting a top his taught abdomen. I caressed the the smooth skin from the base all the way to the perfectly shaped nails and back again, only to travel the mountains and valleys that were his knuckles.

"Thranduil," I murmured.

"Yes, darling?" Thranduil responded, irises fleeting to my own as he turned his head as best he could.

"I love you," I breathed, all the beauty of that even fall and the divine being before me assisting each other in constricting my lungs and forcing butterflies to reside in my stomach, despite the many centuries I had been married to Thranduil.

"I love you too, Y/N, Meleth e-guilen," Thranduil replied, a soft smile gracing his pale, pristine features as he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. "And I love gazing into your gorgeous H/C eyes as the reflect the stars above. I love hearing your melodious voice as you sing ballads old and new. And oh, how I love being around you in general, my darling, more than anything else."

I felt tears form in my eyes and my heart flutter in my chest, both aroused by the fervent words that poured from his lips and the slight scratch of Thranduil's finger underneath my chin.

"Ah!" I squeaked, ruining the tranquility that the moment provided, the flitting sensation under my chin driving me mad. "You know I'm ticklish there, Thranduil."

"Oh, really," Thranduil lamented playfully. "I could have sworn it was here -" a quick brush to my ever so vulnerable hip and I was rolling through the grasses to escape his touch.

"-That you were the most sensitive," Thranduil finished, his strong arms pressing me close to his muscular form as a deep chuckle worked its way out from within him at my actions, fingers once more teasing more of my many sensitive spots.

Once I had my laughter under control, I went to kiss Thranduil's neck, but instead, I lightly bit the sweet spot that I knew resided there, earning both a guffaw from my husband as well as a giggle from myself. Thranduil pulled me down once more and kissed my lips with such tenderheartedness that it made the built up tears in my eyes trickle out.

"Why are you weeping, love?" Thranduil asked immediately, pulling away with a hurt and alarmed expression. "Did I hurt you? Did I-"

I hushed the babbling brook of words that fell from Thranduil's plush lips with a single finger.

"Hush, belegon nin, a simple kiss will not harm me," I laughed. "I am merely enjoying this moment to its fullest extent." My words melted the pained expression from my love's sculpted features.

"Oh, come here, meleth e-guilen," Thranduil murmured, tears of his own brimming within the warmed irises as he gathered me into his arms, all his sweet adoration and ravenous lust blending into a pleasant mixture within me. His eyes were much like steel, cold and unyielding, as it was melted down into something much more graceful, much more beautiful. His arms held me tightly, causing waves of comfort and mirth crash upon me. But most of all, Thranduil made me feel loved, more than anything, more than life.

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