Chapter Twenty Two : Grandeeney Marvell Dragneel

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Hope you all enjoy this chapter ,

I would also like to dedicate this chapter to one of my amzing followers thats left so many votes and comments on my books : @Serin0712 , 


Normal POV

" Wait their , i will be back ... " Lucy said while quickly running to the bathroom and rummaging though the cupboards looking for something . " Got it ! " Lucy shouted while taking a white box out of her cupboard and slamming it shut , while running back into her bedroom .

Lucy layed the white box down on the floor next to Natsu . She then opened the box and took out a bottle and a roll of bandages , " Take your top off " Lucy said while closing the box . " What ?! " Natsu shouted in confusion . " Take your top off " Lucy said . " No ! " Natsu said stubbornly . " Why not ? " Lucy asked in confusion " Because i don't want to ! " Natsu said while crossing his arms and pouting . " But you're injured i need to rap them up ! " Lucy shouted " I'm not ! " Natsu shouted back . Suddenly Lucy jumped on Natsu and tried to pull his top off " Hey! " Natsu shouted while trying to push Lucy off him-self , but he couldn't because Lucy was clinging her-self to him . " Take it off ! " Lucy said in frustration.

" No ! " Natsu shouted again , tiring to pull Lucy off him . Lucy then caught a bit of cloth from Natsu's tee-shirt and pulled it off . But when she did , she saw no injures . " What ?! " Lucy said in confusion , " My body works different than yours , i heal quicker because I'm a Dragon Slayer " Natsu said while grabbing his tee-shirt off Lucy and pulling it back on . " You could of told me sooner ! " Lucy shouted .

" Well anyways , you might need to change room's , your window is broken and their is glass on the floor everywhere . " Natsu said while looking at the glass on the floor .

" Pack all your stuff up , while i go and ask my father , if their is a spare room for you . " Natsu said while slowly walking out the room .

Natsu then closed the bed-room door , He then quickly walked down the hallway to his father's study . When he heard a struck of lighting from outside . Natsu then looked over to his left to see a window that was overlooking the graveyard behind his house (A/N : More like castle but it doesn't matter ) . He then started to look at a gravestone with something written on it :

Grandeeney Marvell Dragneel,

X738 - X777

Loving Mother of Natsu Dragneel,

And Loving wife of Igneel Dragneel

Natsu smiled remembering about his mother and all the time he spent with her before she died . Natsu then cared on walking down the long hallway until he reached his father's study , which he did so he knocked lightly his fist .

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it ?! " Natsu's father asked . " Its me dad ! " Natsu replayed " Come in son " Igneel said . When Natsu walked in he saw his father at the end of the room sitting at a desk pilled with paper and a window behind him over looking the kingdom of Magnolia . " What have you come for Natsu ? " His father asked him . " Well .... I broke the window in Lucy's bedroom and their is now glass everywhere in the room and its not really safe for Lucy to stay their , so is there another room that she could use for the night ? " Natsu asked while looking at his father in the eyes .

" Well .... How did you break the window son ? " Igneel asked " I-i through a bottle at the window " Natsu said while trying not to stutter . " You know both you and your mother have something in common ?" Igneel said while signing his paper work . " What's that ? " Natsu asked .....


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter ! Remember to vote and comment and if possible please follow me and read my other nalu fanantics !

Thanks Minna


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