Chapter 20

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My point of view:

        The shower felt cool and cleansing. Of course, they didn't have any face wash or any girlie things I may have wanted to use, but oh well. I got out and grabbed a towel for my hair. They didn't have a blow dryer either! I dried my hair the best I could, braided it, then pulled on Nashs clothes that I was wearing this morning. I took a deep breath. Did I really want to stay at Nashs' place? Sure, Cam and Nash were being sweet for now, but what happens if Nash gets tired of me? Would he throw me out? I didn't want to go home, I know Troye would be waiting for my arrival. What if Kian went to the apartment too? Would they fight? I had a second of courage and decided to leave the bathroom. 

        "You got a call." Cameron was holding my phone. Did he answer it? I walked over and he handed it to me. It was Kian. Crap. I threw my phone on the coffee table. Cameron offered to take me out to eat for breakfast. I didn't want to be seen in public again, with a different guy each time. I know what people would say about me. I eventually agreed, I couldn't remember the last time I've eaten. 

        Cam helped me in his beat up SUV. It looked like he tried to paint over the damage, some red was brighter than others in certain spots. "It's an old model, okay? I can't...uh...afford a new car." He smiled. "I like it. It's so... not Hollywood." I remarked. The interior smelled like stale smoke. "Cam do you...?" I didn't know how to ask politely. "Smoke? Nah. Used to." He kept his eyes on the road. "What are you in the mood for?" He thankfully changed the subject. "I could use a coffee." I watched the various stores, restaurants and tourist hot spots roll by. "Dunkin' Donuts?" He suggested and I nodded. He sped through the drive thru and ordered two iced coffees and a bagel for me and two breakfast sandwhiches for himself. "Thankyou." I muttered, imediately drinking the coffee. The liquid made me feel more alert. "It's not an issue." He parked the car in the lot so we could both eat. He was being so friendly, like he used to be. Could I trust him? I contemplated this in my head for a while until I felt it was safe. It wasn't the end of the world, was it? "Cam, I need to tell you what happened." I started slowly.

Andrea's point of view:

        I was woken way earlier that I had planned on. It was 8 am when a loud knock on the door woke Jenn and I up. "Who is it?" I met Jenn in the living room. "Troye?" Jenn opened the door and he walked in. "Is Julie here?" He looked as bad as I felt. "She isn't at your place?" I felt a wave of concern. I guess we were wrong. "No she ran out last night..." He trailed off.  "What happened!" I asked. "I um...well we were... Tyler and I....kissed. And she saw us." He looked at his feet. Hollywood really is effed up, isn't it?

        He came in and the three of us sat in a triangle on the floor. Troye told us everything, and all I could do was listen. "Maybe she went to Kian's?" I cringed at the name. I miss him alot. "Maybe..." Jenn was interupted by another knock. "COME IN!" She yelled. It was Nash? What was he doing here?

Nashs point of view:

        The elevator was so slow. I jogged up four flights of stairs and found her apartment. I knocked loud, maybe they were sleeping but I didn't care. I wanted answers. "Come in!" I heard Jenns voice and walked in. "Hey...Julie is safe at my place. But I need answers." I started. My eyes met Troye's and I glared at him. No one said anything so I continued, "She was walking around, alone at 5 am. Not to mention she was crying." I finished and Troye looked guilty. No one said anything and I started to get mad. "What are you guys hiding?" I asked again and finally Jenn spoke up. "She walked in on Troye and Tyler kissing." She spoke slowly. Troye grabbed a pillow. I was blinded by rage.

        "You hurt her?!" I screamed. "Nash stop!" Jenn got in between us, even though I wasn't going to hurt him. "I didn't mean to!" His voice cracked from fear. I stood up and began pacing back and forth between the couch. "You. hurt. her. Then you let her go! What is wrong with you? Why didn't you chase her!? You have no idea how LUCKY you were to have her!" I started to yell. "I don't...I didn't...I..." He was at a loss for words. I knew he was no good for her. She doesn't deserve this...not now. I saw a picture of him and the love of my life on the wall and I shattered it without hesisitation. Jenn gave me a look and I took ten deep breaths. "I gotta go." I kicked at the broken glass and left the apartment. 

        I dialed Cam's number. "You guys at home?" I asked. "We're at Dunkin' Donuts. The one near the house. Where have you been?" He was chewing. "I was getting answers. Has she told you?" I figured she didn't. "Actually yeah..." He swallowed whatever he was chewing. "I'll be there in 20." I hung up and sped towards the apartment. I needed to see her.

(Authors note: Thank you for reading! It means so much to me! Predict what happens next in the comments :) Stay beautiful! love ya xoxo)

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