Chapter 26

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"GOD HELP ME!" You jolted up and frantically looked around; the tears stinging your eyes and begging to fall. You had to get away. "Woah woah woah! Settle down hun!" An unfamiliar voice called towards you, but you were too terrified to stop. "GET AWAY!" You felt hands wrap themselves around you, and you let out a scream; but it was soon cupped by the same hand and muffled your cries. You opened your eyes wide, fueled with rage and fear that built up faster and faster. You didnt recognize him, and this only made you more scared. 

And with that, you opened your mouth as far as you could in his grasp and slammed down your jaws onto the flesh of his hand. He yelled in pain and jerked himself away from you, which sent you down unto the floor. "Sweet Jesus miss, I was just trying to calm ya down! You didnt have to bite my hand damn near off!" You narrowed your eyes, wiped the blood of your lips and stood up. "Where. Am i." You demanded, growling defiantly at the large man. "Youre behind the store, in a spare room miss. You passed out yesterday after a panic attack or episode of some sort!" He hissed at the hot pain in his hand, and tucked it against his chest. "So we put you in here and made sure you were stable for the rest of night." You cocked your head and raised a brow, but you never strayed your eyes away and you were more than ready to defend yourself. "Oh yeah? Why didnt you call an ambulance?? That would be the first thing any humane person would do." He sighed deeply and furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "Sorry miss ah, me and my wife are the kind of people who like to help before being helped."

He seemed genuine, but from what youve been through you werent as quick to trust. At all. "...I still dont trust you. So dont get near me unless I give you permission. Alright?" You waited a moment, but he just stared at you with confusion; and looked to be a bit conflicted. "Hello??" You snapped, and he finally grunted and nodded his head. "Shes not gonna like that..." He sighed to himself, and turned to leave. "Just sit tight and keep drinking the water I put down for you. Ill be back to check up on you, alright? Then ill explain everything that happened. If you want of course." You studied him for a moment, but thought then; you were interested in where yesterday had gone. Because it seemed as if it had dissipated from your life completely. "Fine." You huffed, and allowed yourself to relax finally. 

A few days passed by, and the country folk who took you in explained to you, as gently as one could, what happened that day. "The fear in your eyes dearie it... was horrible. It was like the devil rose up from below and engulfed your sweet little body." She encased the cross in her hand that set gently around her neck, looking up at the ceiling as if she were talking to someone above her. Although you knew she was talking to her god, but you didn't know if there was one anymore. "So... my mom wasn't there, right? I was alone." You blinked sadly at the man and woman in front of you, for you knew the answer. "No hun, there weren't a soul but you and my hubby." She patted her husbands back before turning back to you. "Well, I think its about time you have a good meal and a wash, you look like the swamps themselves love." 

You took your time in the steaming shower, washing the blood and dirt from your body that have seemed to fossilize by now. It felt like home. And when the smell washed over your nostrils, it was over. You could feel your stomach gurgle and hiccup violently. You hadn't eaten real food in months, and you didn't feel like waiting any longer. When you stepped out of the bathroom in an oversized shirt and capris, you realized how large the gas station really was. It seemed they actually lived there. No wonder. 

You followed the waft of waffles and eggs before stepping into a large kitchen, with rickety wooden cabinets and red stools. It looked just like a 50s diner, only more homey. "We like more old school, don't you think so too? Our son wanted to renovate so we decided to take it ourselves." You sat down at one of the bright red stools, sliding a finger down the shining counter top. "It's nice..." You hesitated. "but how do you afford to keep it so, pristine?" She gave a soft chuckle, and smile that almost seemed too wide. "You don't need to worry 'bout non that dear. Just eat your supper and we'll get ya' on the road. How's that sound?" Her country accent seemed to swallow you, calming you down to your very core. So much it almost.. scared you. "Yes... that'd be nice."

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