Chapter 23

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Your eyes jolted open from a sudden weight on your chest and a sting in your legs. They seemed to feel even numb for the moment. And as your wide alert optics scanned the gray and nauseously nasty walls that towered around you, you took a sudden notice of the cold heavy sweat that rolled down your cheeks and forehead. "Oh god... where...where am i?" Taking a long, deep breath you swung your still semi numb legs over the side of your beat up and deeply stained mattress. You remembered now. The chair. The "people". The months of questions you truely had no knowledge of how to answer. Oh god you couldnt take it anymore. It was too much. And as pathetic as it may sound, you wanted to die... I mean hell, who in what right mind could take months of torture like that and NOT feel that way?

You finally rose to your feet and walked over to the big metal door that blocked the only way of freedom. Luckily and not, two big stone bars that attached strongly to the door allowed some light in and a line of sight to look out and at the guards. Thats where you were handed food. Not like you ate it usually. Most of the time it was undercooked oat meal or a mostly eaten chicken drumstick. But when the times were dire you dealt with the unappealing smells or old look to the food. But it was more like you were forced it down your throat. Most of the time you tried starving yourself. But it became a weekly check up after the first three times you tried. Theyd search your room, make sure you werent hiding it under your bed or in the cracks of the walls. Nothing got past them. Especially the little boy.

He was the most scandalous. He looked to be around.. 8 ? Maybe 9 years old. His hair mainly covered his face but his left eye. It was blood shot and bleeding profusely with a dark, nearly black crimson. His hair was like a rats nest. Long, tangled and very blonde. Everytime he passed your cell, your breath caught in your throat, and you covered your ears. The gurgle of water and blood combined that emitted from the depths of his throat rocked your fear and disturbed you to a point you couldnt and look at anything but the floor. He would groan, croak and sob; trying his very best to get your attention, and once he had, and locked with your eyes hed smile. And the innocence you might have thought he had in him; slipped away in less than a second. His little body had crawled through the gap of the bars, his bones cracking and reforming themselves so he could fit through. And alas, hed hit the floor with a sickening "Crack". And just as youd make yourself believe the horror was over, the horribly broken little boy would slide a single hand to his side, lifting one half of the upper part of his body; his head rolling back onto his shoulders correctly. He began to crawl to you, like a hurt dog who'd just been ran over.

And as you screamed and shuffled away from the disgusting thing on the floor, the door flew open violently; and two large, terrifyingly looking men grabbed the thing by the arms and hair. It screamed and clawed at the air; looking so so desperate for blood. "YOU SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THAT YOU SHOULDNT HA-" Before he could finish, the door had slammed closed, and you could barely hear the screeches and cries that faded down the hall. This had all happened the first day you had even gotten 


Your deep train of thought had been cut off by the loud thuds and creaks that sounded from the hall way to your cell. At this, your eyes had widened and the terror slammed into you at the speed of a fire truck. You pulled your feet to your chest, the tears beginning to sting your eyes as your heart pounded and your instincts screaming to run. But where was there TO run ? The familiar glisten of those fucking golden goggles seeped through the box on the door. But he didnt smile or smirk, and he didnt pull out the keys to the door. "Heres your food, cockroach," He rolled his shoulders as he twitched in an anxious manner. "Well? You gonna take the damn food bitch?" He was the most insulting...

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