Chapter 25

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Dear old, old friend.

It's been a while. Boss has been wondering where you been. Theres so much youve missed and soon will miss. So many missions he sends us on because youre gone. You need to come back. Boss has something for you thats very special. He believes youre the only one who can go through with it.

I beg to differ, but you seem to be the most "sane". I could have done it but he wont listen to what i ever have to say so whats the point? If youre interested, heres the plan: Theres this girl, Y/N, whom weve been watching for quite some time. As you may know, (Your dad's name) has something that belongs to us. We have been tracking him for years. Well, he seems to be a father.

The father of that particular girl.

This.... Human is the key to the gates of hell. The book. You know our plan. No matter if you want to be apart of it or not you cannot escape. The day you sold your soul to the Boss was the day you made a pact.

Now listen. If you dont come back in the next five days we will have no choice but to hunt you down and gut you. Itll be more painful than any migraine you get.

We'll be sending Tobias and Hood to help you track her down, then youre on your own. Find her, become someone she can trust until we find him. She can be bait.

Keep in mind youre on a time limit. We have 2 years before the brightest blood moon in 500 so i suggest you dont lolly gag. We are watching.

Always watching.

Sincerely, Jack.

You slumped back into the drivers seat and rubbed your eyes. You couldnt believe this was all real. It couldnt be, it just wasnt... nomal. The gates of hell ? Your father... being tracked ? You being stalked ? IT was too much to take in. You couldnt break it into bits of information at a time so your brain could understand.

You left Masky once, and you may leave him again... What if it was all an act ?

What if all this time he played with your feelings?

You had that urge to steal the truck and leave. This time, out of state. Forget about everything again. You couldnt take this anymore, it was too stressful.

You threw your head back and growled in frustration. Mostly at yourself. You felt like a hormonal teenager who couldnt figure out what type of guy you liked. Except it was life or death.

As you were about to make the final decision and drive off to safety, something gripped your intestines and twisted them so hard you nearly vomited. You couldnt leave him like that. Jesus no matter how much pain and anxiety he put you through by god he saved your life. Although you saw his brains explode onto the gun and walls, you wanted to see. You wanted to see what they really did to him.

You paused for a moment as your breath left your lungs. You didnt actually... see him die.

For a second there you really believed you saw him receive a bullet through his brain. But you merely heard the gun.

Now you knew it was a stretch. There couldnt possibly be any way he was alive.


"Damnit man..." You groaned loudly. You hated feeling confused and scared, it made you want to sob. And as you looked to the tree line, and then back to the road ahead, you closed your eyes and sighed deeply. "Here goes nothing."

You kicked the truck into gear and drove off. You werent leaving him oh no you werent.You were off to find the closest gas station or store or even a fucking bar. You needed to find some type of supplies to get you in and out alive. Because despite your drive to kill every single piece of trash in that little building, you still needed to stay living. Not really for yourself but for that fucking... man.

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