Chapter 1

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Your name is (y/n), youve found yourself abandoned at a movie theatre that you and your "friends" went to for scary movies. Yes, movies because who didnt movie hop now adays?

Anyways, you were cold. Freezing, as you might say. And it was 8:00 at night and the final wasnt going to study its damn self.

"Mom, where are you? Ive been waiting for..." You glanced down at your temporary hello kitty watch that you were dared to wear for a day by your new friends. "20 minutes. Now, i know it only takes about 10 to get to the theatre." You could hear a long sigh from the other end. "Honey traffic makes it hard to get around. The theatre is in a busy part of the city, you know this." You rolled your eyes with a scoff. " Okay mom... just please hurry, im not sure if my fingers have much longer." You closed your flip phone with a hard "smack."

You tightened your fluffy black coat around your shoulders and looked around at your surroundings.

It was dark, and the only thing you could see were the trees and road illuminated by the Theatre lights. And the distant sound of cars zooming past the large wall that separated the road and you. You hated being by yourself; but you were also too scared to ask your new friends for a ride. You didnt know really who they were. You didnt have many close friends. The only one you had lived 100 miles away.

As you lost yourself in deep thought, your phone began to buzz violently inside of your little purse. You sighed and dug through it, snatching your phone and popping it open. The contact read: "Mom" With a heart placed next to it. You didnt know what youd do without her..

"Hey mom, you here yet?" You asked, slightly serious but, half jokingly. "Yes dear, im around the back so get those leggies moving!" You cringed deeply at the thought of the back side of the theatre. There was a reason you didnt come here often. "Do you know how many people have been mugged back there? And you really want your daughter walking through that?" Silence filled the air for several seconds, before she finally replied. " Im coming around."

After a minute, you spot a grey soccer-mom looking van roll up next to you, the passengers side ready for you to hop in.

You happily and hurriedly trot over to the door and lift yourself into the seat. At last, warmth and safety. "Sorry bout that mom.. I didnt feel right leaving with them. It was just.. Instinct." Your mother ran a hand through her hair and smiled. "Thats very responsible of you. IT was probably a good thing you followed your gut my dear. " You retaliated with a slight chuckle. Your mom had alot of trust with you. Seeming you didnt go out very much, and you were very honest with her. You two had an unbreakable connection.

"So; ice cream, or pizza. Your choice little girl."

"Duh, both."

The next morning was pretty slow, seeming it was the weekend. You stretched, layed in bed 10 more minutes. Stretched.... And stayed in bed for 5 more minutes. Finally you made the choice to get over your laziness and just head downstairs to greet your mom. As you make your way into the kitchen; seeing your mom was nowhere to be found in the living room, you were hit with the intense smell of... "Pancakes...?"

Oh fuck yes.

You nearly trip over your dog Sirus; a 3 year old golden doodle trying to get to the table for your moms special bananna pancakes. "Oh my, i didnt even see you there. Yknow, i feel like you only love me for my cooking." You cracked a smile. "Mmm... id have to say half and half." She rolled her eyes and set down a plate with two big... juicy pancakes.

Couple hours passed by, you relaxed on the couch and watched tv, helped with a couple chores and did the usual. But every other weekend your mom left to buy groceries, and this was one of the weekends she left. There was nothing you were concerned about.

"Want any other snacks hun?" She called over to you, halfway through the door in sweat pants, jacket and a cute little pink beanie. "Nah mom, just get the usual!" The usual tended to be fruit snacks and chips, nothing too special. And with that she left. Unknowing of her fate.

Soon after you end up on the news channel, merely for background noise while you played around on your phone. When some new... distinct news pops up suddenly.

Some horrible crash; 5 minutes away from your neighborhood. The picture on the screen of a distorted grey minivan. 

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