Chapter 18

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  (( A/n: Guess whaaat?~ Im back f*ckers! Jkjk but really its chill now. You all get an extra long chapter for being so supportive. You have no idea how much i love the fact you guys enjoy this. Now, there will be a little changes, but you'll have to see it for yourself!! Anyways i love you all for all the support. I cant thank you enough. See ya'll ))

You didn't believe it. No, it wasn't real. It couldn't be. "No no no no..." You repeated aloud; immediately hitting Masky with confusion. "What? He's just a dead man. Lets get out of here." You looked at Masky, tears streaming down your face. All these years he was gone... Or was he just an ordinary man? It didn't matter, you had to know... "Shut up you blind f*cker, that 'dead' man could be my father!"

You practically leaped to the unconscious and possibly dead man, optics examining him at incredible speed. Memories of the feeling of loss filled you to your very core. Anger...anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. This is what you felt. that you had to call your male originator left you and your mother without an extra hand in survival; in a happier life. But then again, who said this was actually your father? No one you knew.

Masky leaned against the car; arms crossed but his mask covered any emotion he could have been showing. It looked to you and most likely anyone else like annoyance. He didn't understand. of course he didn't. All that he is, is just a selfish, god d*mn, F*UCKING, Prick!! You snapped. "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU S*HIT HEAD! GET THE CAR RUNNING AND HELP HIM IN. We need to take him to the hospital!!!"

After roughly stuffing the poor man in the back seat, Masky strode to the driver's seat. "I don't see why he's so important. But what ever. Seems all you care about is another parasite on this planet earth." He scoffed; his voice seemed to have grinded with irritation. He didn't even wait for you to buckle in. What the hell was wrong with him all of a sudden? One minute you kissed him, then the next...he was heartless. An emotionless shell. That didn't matter though...not as much as the possible dead man in the back.

The drive was silent. On his side of the car was calm, and collected energy. But...on your side. You seemed to have been sweating profusely. The air around you was thick with tension; and with every glance that was made behind you, it only grew. This was the most important moment of your life. Who wouldn't be as worried as you were right now? Know one you knew.

The next few hours were a constant blur. One moment you'd be frantically running beside the carrier and the were in the car with Masky lighting a cigar outside your door. What a casual little f*ck he was. You didn't understand but, you felt like wringing the mans neck. He was so calm it bothered you. But he couldn't help it. He had seen so many deaths he couldn't give two s*its about anyone but himself. You were lucky enough you still had a head, or even a body at all. You knew what Masky was capable of; even if you hadn't seen his dirtiest actions as it took place; but after everything that was didn't need closer.

Your thoughts moved to how Masky changed so suddenly. It was like a bomb had gone off. 'Did he start his period?' As funny as it was you still had some seriousness in it. You made the decision in asking him the reason. You nearly shoved Masky off the door; as he was leaning on it, while opening the door. "The hell?! Klutz..." He sneered. "What do you want." He asked; arms crossed and mask off for once in a while. His hazel eyes shown no all. 'How...' You asked yourself. You just wished he'd at least show some. "Whats wrong Masky, was it wrong of me to have kissed your cheek? Or is it something else. Are you Bipolar?" You asked quite quickly if you must add. The eagerness and interest was not masked what so ever in your voice by anything else. You wanted him to know how much you needed to know the reason. Great; you were waiting on two answers.

Flicking the slow burning butt of the cigar, he crushed it under his muddy boot once it hit the ground so it wouldn't spread a fire or something. "What do you think, detective." He spat. His teeth bared angrily; a dog or a wolf. "Your nosy. I clearly told you i did not want to tell you the reason to that question; but no. Miss 'i have to know everything' doesn't want to keep her mouth shut. You know, i still have the power snap your neck where you stand." At the sound of that he smirked approvingly. "And that wouldn't be fun, would it?"

Masky honestly was angry at (Y/N), but only slightly. The kiss caught him off guard, indeed that was true but not exactly why he was acting like this. He really had a secret, and he didn't want to tell (Y/N) Just yet. "Look Doll, im sorry. Alright? I was a dick, just don't push me and we will be good." He patted her back and chuckled. "Go check on him. We have to leave soon."

You had a slight sense of understanding now, and you were okay with what you had. It was better than nothing. "Sure..." You said; turning on your heel and jogging over to the towering building. The parking lot was rather large, cars were parked here and there, but not many were present. Seemed as if it were a fairly small one. Hopefully their service was good enough. You climbed the stairs to the front door before pushing open the two large glass doors. You scanned the room. There were three people, two waiting on chairs and one lady behind the desk. You gladly made your way over to her. "I'm here to check on the patient on room 648." You said politely, waiting to be asked for your wristband. She looked at you puzzled. "I'm sorry dear but that patient has been moved to another room...i'll have someone escort you to the new one."

She quickly scanned your band. Everything seemed to be going fine until...great. It's that fucker James. "Hold on ma'am ill be back in just one second." You spoke nervously, eyes widening at the man you feared most as of recently. You never took your gaze off of him as your speed-walked to the doors. Your hands frantically searched for a handle and once they did, you were out of there. "Masky!" You called breathlessly when you stopped in front of the killer. A brow rose to his forehead at your current state. "What is it Doll?" You looked up at him. "James is here...what do i do?" You asked him, fear and concern only boiling up faster inside your heart. For the first time since the 'fight', he showed emotion...but not satisfying or good one. Just, pure raw, anger. His eyes flashed with blood-lust, his fists clenched where his knuckles were a purl white. "That f*cker..." He growled deeply; his voice rumbled unlike she'd ever heard before. "Can you come with me?" You asked, but before you really muster a word, he took your wrist and dragged you the the entrance door.

He kicked it in; allowing himself inside. They all stared dumbfounded and not sure what to do; although the lady behind the counter called in a man to lead them to the room destination. Masky kept his eyes peeled for any suspicious movement as they made their way through the empty echoing halls. "Ma'am, sir, i believe this is where you have asked me to take y-" "Thanks pal. Now get out of here." Masky spat angrily and shoved the man to the side. " wrist...your turning it purple..." You squeaked. Your wrist almost felt like your throat. Masky looked down at your wrist. You were right, it looked like a blue and black bruise. "Sorry."

Turning to the man lying on the bed you walked closer to him. Your hands gripped the bars for dear life...and you just stared. You couldn't do anything else. This man was dying, and you wouldn't speak to him unless he really wanted to.  

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