Chapter 12

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       "(Y/n), wake up, we are here." Doctor Ryan nudged you slightly. "Hmm?" You opened your eyes sleepily, rubbing your eyes. You yawned and stretched your arms towards the sky. The doctor narrowed his eyes, although chuckling to himself. "I'll carry you..." He said casually and picked you up. You raised a brow. "But sir, I am most capable of walking on my own." You were baffled by his behavior. He seemed as if he were acting normal, but you could tell in his eyes he was thinking about something.

Doctor Ryan sighed. "No, you are not. Just listen to me." You widened your eyes at his harshness. "A-alright..." You allowed yourself to be carried into the home. It was quite big; almost as big as Jamie's. He sat you on the couch gently. "I'm going to make something for you." He said bluntly. You cocked your head. You were most definitely puzzled at sudden behavior. "Okay..." You made yourself comfortable on the soft mattress.

He came back with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with some fruit and milk. "Here..." He shoved it into your hands and huffed. "What the hell is wrong with him?" You asked yourself as he walked away, beginning to eat the sandwich. You chewed it slowly in deep thought. This was so sudden; everything just sudden. You finished the sandwich quickly and didn't bother to eat the fruit. You enjoyed their juicy flavor, but you were just too full.

"Alright miss, you will be staying here until your leg heals." The doctor walked into the living room with a bright smile. 'Is he bipolar?' He sat down next to you; quite close you noted. "Like i said, your legs will heal in about a month or so." He paused. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He said, putting a hand on your shoulder gently. You blushed and nodded. "Yeah..." You looked down while bringing your knees to your chest. 'He's too close.' Before you could move, the doctor stood up. "I'll grab a board game." You stared after him and cringed. 'He acts like he's six...'

Meanwhile a certain man watched silently from the nearby window. Oh how he wished he could crush the creeps's head. But it wasn't time yet. He growled and moved from the window. At the same time you looked at the window from instinct. No one was there. "Ugh...i need water." You stood up the best you could and walked into the kitchen sense you already finished the milk. It tasted foul; as if it were rotten. "Ah." You found a case of water and took one. Popping off the cap, you chugged it down. "Um, miss (L/n.)" You whipped your head around and cursed under your breath. "Heh, I'm sorry sir. I was thirsty and i already had your milk..." She glanced at her leg. "Well, my leg feels perfectly fin-" The doctor growled. "Your leg is NOT fine." He said darkly.

You jumped back slightly. "Um, but it feels fine..." The doctor narrowed his eyes. "It's not. Now, i set up the board game in the living room for you and I." He sighed and grabbed your hand and dragged you behind him. And; like he said, a board game was set out. "Um...i don't exactly like board games..." He smirked and chuckled. "Wow, well...neither do I." He looked at her; his smug grin continuing to linger. It suddenly hit you. All the memories from the car incident. Trying to keep as calk as possible you looked down. "I'm tiered." You said quickly. He sighed. "Well come on...I'll show you to the room." You could obviously detect the danger in his voice. With hesitation, you followed him to your room.

"Here is your room." He said. You entered the room; not even looking around. You hopped onto your bed and smiled. "It feels so good..." You slightly forgot everything you just remembered and curled up in a ball. "Is that so?" The doctor asked; his tone deep and seducing. Your eyes widened as the bed lowered near your feet. You looked at him with scared orbs and whimpered. He had that same disgusting grin. You knew he was planning something else than showing you your room...

You scooted up against the back board. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" You asked; although already knowing the answer. He just lied you down and crawled over you. "No reason love~" Your face immediately became a crimson shade. You had to admit, he was handsome, but that gave him no right to make you feel this way. "P-please...get off me." You said shakily in hopes he would oblige. He laughed hysterically as if it were the funniest joke in the world. "But i wanna have some fun~"  

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